My first amp! (cmoy)
Jun 19, 2003 at 3:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 15, 2002
I'm building my first amp for my Grado SR-80s. Needless to say, I'm rather excited.
I've decided on the parts below after reading through Tangent's and Moy's tutorials. I'm going to build a wooden housing to put it all in when I finish the circuit board. I'm going to be using a radioshack protoboard, the following parts are from digi-key. Tell me what you think of my selections:

Index Quantity Part Number Description Customer Reference Backorder Quantity Unit Price
USD Extended Price
1 2 P3474-ND .47 UFD POLYPROPYLENE CAP 0 1.89000 $3.78
2 2 P5533-ND CAP 1000UF 16V ELECT NHG RADIAL 0 0.82000 $1.64
3 5 10.0KXBK RES 10.0K OHM 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 0 0.10800 $0.54
4 5 4.75KXBK RES 4.75K OHM 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 0 0.10800 $0.54
5 5 100KXBK RES 100K OHM 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 0 0.10800 $0.54
6 5 2.00KXBK RES 2.00K OHM 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 0 0.10800 $0.54
7 2 OPA134PA IC AUDIO OPERATIONAL AMP 8-DIP 0 2.10000 $4.20
8 10 160-1078 LED 3MM HIEFFRED DIFF DBL-FLANGE 0 0.09800 $0.98
9 1 CP-3535 CONN AUDIO JACK 3.5MM STEREO 0 1.04000 $1.04
10 1 CP-1414 CONN RCA JACK METAL WHT PNL MNT 0 0.71000 $0.71
11 1 CP-1413 CONN RCA JACK METAL RED PNL MNT 0 0.71000 $0.71
12 1 360-1155 SWITCH TOGGLE SPDT 6A 0 4.20000 $4.20
13 1 226-2033 KNOB CLR GLOSS.50"DIA .250"SHAFT 0 4.73000 $4.73
14 5 47.5XBK RES 47.5 OHM 1/4W 1% METAL FILM 0 0.10800 $0.54
15 1 P2G1103 POT 10K OHM 12MM VERT MET BUSHIN 0 2.62000 $2.62
16 2 AE7313 IC SOCKET .300 8 DIP GOLD 0 0.54000 $1.08
Subtotal $28.39

How much of an improvement over my current home cdps (in my sig) do you think this will give me? Lightyears ahead, or just a bit? Lastly, if you have any tips on building/tuning let me know, I'll need them.
Jun 19, 2003 at 5:12 AM Post #2 of 5
Sorry to be impatient, but I hope to order this tonight, and the excitement is getting to me.
Jun 19, 2003 at 5:21 AM Post #4 of 5

Originally posted by Hajime
You should enjoy it a lot.

I have a feeling I'll be posting about a maxed out meta42 in a month or two...
Jun 19, 2003 at 7:20 AM Post #5 of 5
For a first time builder I would recommend the OPA2132PA dual opamp...less wiring headaches.
I would also go with a TLE2426 for the PSU rail splitter (normally I advise you to go with a BUF634 but that can complicate things).
One item I noticed missing from your parts list was a battery connector, so I'm left guessing you already have that covered?

Good luck building this puppy.
Don't forget the amp Pr0n when its finished.

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