my bad experience with eBay...

Aug 18, 2009 at 3:19 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


New Head-Fier
Mar 10, 2009
Bucharest, Romania
hi guys,

I'm rather a very new eBay user. I wanted to buy a pair of new headphones (the ones from my signature - well, who knows how "soon" they will arrive) since, here in Romania, these are at least x2 the price from eBay.

anyway, I pressed "BuyItNow" and payed immediately via PayPal.
the transaction was finalized on the 6th of August...and, believe it or not, the actual status is "not even on stock, and I don't know when it will be"...
when I purchased the product, the message regarding the availability of the item was "in stock". the seller answered my desperate messages on eBay very selectively, only when he thought it was eventually time, again, to tell me something unclear and push the deadline somewhere undefined. so now, after more than 10 days that the seller has my money, he writes me that the item is not in stock and he doesn't even know when he will have it...but if I won't get any information from his side for the next few days, I should contact him and ask him about new information... what do you think about that??? I mean, am I abnormal, or is this a very incorrect situation?

he actually seems to be a platinum seller on eBay, with lots of positive feedback and 40k+ positively finalized transactions. 99% positive feedback. the price was OK, the feedbacks were promising...and now this. :/

I am very disappointed. today I already filed a claim at PayPal, trying to break the deal up and get the money refunded. I don't even know if, and if yes, when I will get my money back.

so, I don't know if it's allowed to post eBay links or not, or if I will do him positive advertising, but I thought you should also know that this is the guy who is doing this to me: eBay My World - quickestmail
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:22 PM Post #2 of 10
You've already done the only thing I could recommend, file a dispute.

I've never had any problems on eBay, I guess I'm just lucky... it's a good thing you filed the dispute though and hopefully it all gets sorted out.
Aug 18, 2009 at 3:49 PM Post #3 of 10
I wouldn't worry too much about it, you should get your money back. It's a hassle and you may end up losing a little money on the exchange rate from the time you paid to the time you get refunded but you should come out ok.
Aug 18, 2009 at 4:22 PM Post #5 of 10

Originally Posted by eXelero /img/forum/go_quote.gif
..when he thought it was eventually time, again, to tell me something unclear and push the deadline somewhere undefined.

What in the world does that mean?!

As soon as he started taking you to undefined areas, or pushing your undefined deadline somewhere unclear, or, whatever, didn't this raise a caution flag in your head to stay away from this seller?

File a claim with paypal and ebay. Hopefully you communicated through ebay, and not your personal email account so they have an easier way to track & verify transactions and communications.
Aug 18, 2009 at 8:35 PM Post #6 of 10

Originally Posted by ka-boom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What in the world does that mean?!

As soon as he started taking you to undefined areas, or pushing your undefined deadline somewhere unclear, or, whatever, didn't this raise a caution flag in your head to stay away from this seller?

File a claim with paypal and ebay. Hopefully you communicated through ebay, and not your personal email account so they have an easier way to track & verify transactions and communications.

in the first phase I tried to keep being friendly to him, eventually to put a smaller price on the package so I can minimize taxes/customs. this is why I was keeping my patience...

well, the communication only happened via the eBay account, so I can prove that I've tried to obtain the information regarding the delivery.

I hope I can break this deal up, I really don't want his product anymore.
Aug 19, 2009 at 2:16 AM Post #7 of 10
The first thing you should have done was file a negative feedback like "BEWARE: I did not received the item I bought. Filed a dispute.". That warns potential buyers of his other items for sale.
Aug 19, 2009 at 2:55 AM Post #8 of 10
Don't worry, PayPal should give you a refund.

The seller is probably one of many sellers who sell things they don't have. It's against eBay policy, but many of them resell for someone else. If that other party doesn't have the item in stock when the auction ends, this is what happens. Sometimes inventory runs out while the auction is going and that information doesn't get to the seller.

This happens to me a lot when I buy CDs from eBay. The good news is that the seller usually tracks the item down and gets it to you. The bad news is that it can tak some time for that to happen. The seller probably doesn't know when the headphones will come back in stock, but he probably will send you a pair sooner or later.

Filing a dispute was the right thing to do. You can probably ge your money back without any trouble. Then, if there are multiple listings for the headphone you want, contact the sellers to make sure they physically have them before you buy.
Aug 27, 2009 at 11:35 AM Post #9 of 10
good news, the deal was broken up and i got the amount refunded.
this happened like 2-3 days ago. so, filing a claim at ebay and paypal was a success. unfortunately the deal was not :/

anyway, in the mean time i gathered some more cash and i'll go directly to the ahd2000s. got them used (seller says 15hrs tops) from
they should arrive in the 1st half of next week. wish me luck

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