Headphoneus Supremus
I received these for Christmas last week and since then, I have done numerous tests against my PortaPro and my Altec Backbeat Titanium. Unfortunately, there isn't really a big difference between the three. (Obviously AD700 1st, PortaPro 2nd, and Backbeats 3rd, although not significant margins.) Don't get me wrong, the AD700's are the most comfortable headphones I have ever worn, and that alone was worth the price, but the SQ seems the same as the others. It's good...but so are the PortaPros. Whenever I find something in the music I didn't notice before, I switch headphones and notice I can also hear it with my other ones. I've had about 32hrs of burn in, and am using a Sansa Clip, but is there any other recommendations of how I can make them sound better? I've tried FLAC and 320 mp3, but then again, not much of a difference between them vs normal mp3. Equalizer adjustments? New mp3? (I'm getting an iAudio7) More burn in? FLAC?
Thanks again for helping Head-Fi crew!
Thanks again for helping Head-Fi crew!