Dec 18, 2021 at 10:44 PM Post #31 of 137
I’ll retain my Tortuga LDR300x V3 Active. I somehow doubt that either the Musician or Denafrips pre’s would compete in terms of SQ though you never know. If I wanted balanced connections I’d need to move to the Tortuga LDR3000 though.
Dec 18, 2021 at 11:26 PM Post #32 of 137
This response is blatantly false. You likely have an affiliation with Denafrips. I also see you reported my previous response, which is not a surprise given your ties.

Your statements are the exact opposite of the truth. Already proven and stated in this thread.

Your "views" need to be placed in the appropriate thread. This is off-topic. This is not a thread on the designer contracts with Denafrips and Musician.

You have no knowledge of the Aquarius dac and are of no use to anyone here. Your negativity is unwelcomed. We are enjoying good audio products. Having fun. Try it.
I see you don't like to be called on ad hominems.

If you think that a double negative can hide another personal attack on integrity you must be delusional. I have no interest in any product or manufacturer. And I don't lie.

If a reviewer (iirc it wasn't just one) removes a rave review of the Denafrips Ares just when he posts his 'review' of the Musician Pegasus there is certainly something strange going on. If you want to believe Musician has nothing to do with that, that's fine with me. Ignorance and gullibility are all the rage lately. Just keep ignoring the fact. That always works out so well.

I really don't care if you think the Pegasus is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. No I haven't heard it. But is that a reason not to point prospective buyers in the direction of a better deal? I don't think the Pegasus can hold up against the Pontus of the Venus. But I guess you won't easily find any fair comparison. If you do I will be very interested. And that's a very big if.

And please refrain from name calling.
Dec 18, 2021 at 11:37 PM Post #33 of 137
I see you don't like to be called on ad hominems.

If you think that a double negative can hide another personal attack on integrity you must be delusional. I have no interest in any product or manufacturer. And I don't lie.

If a reviewer (iirc it wasn't just one) removes a rave review of the Denafrips Ares just when he posts his 'review' of the Musician Pegasus there is certainly something strange going on. If you want to believe Musician has nothing to do with that, that's fine with me. Ignorance and gullibility are all the rage lately. Just keep ignoring the fact. That always works out so well.

I really don't care if you think the Pegasus is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. No I haven't heard it. But is that a reason not to point prospective buyers in the direction of a better deal? I don't think the Pegasus can hold up against the Pontus of the Venus. But I guess you won't easily find any fair comparison. If you do I will be very interested. And that's a very big if.

And please refrain from name calling.

Italicised some bits here. You’re not a fan of name calling though seem very happy to infer that people are either ignorant or gullible. Just because someone does not share your viewpoint does not make them either. It seems to me you’re applying double standards here.

Second point, you’ve not heard either Musician DAC here yet are quite willing to point someone in a better direction?Do tell how you know how something sounds without hearing it or are you posting from a position of ignorance?

The tactics of a company with respect to reviews…. I couldn’t care less. I’m discussing my experiences with the unit I have purchased. Unless you’ve actually heard the unit, you’ve nothing to contribute to this discussion. Please move on.
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Dec 18, 2021 at 11:37 PM Post #34 of 137
I see you don't like to be called on ad hominems.

If you think that a double negative can hide another personal attack on integrity you must be delusional. I have no interest in any product or manufacturer. And I don't lie.

If a reviewer (iirc it wasn't just one) removes a rave review of the Denafrips Ares just when he posts his 'review' of the Musician Pegasus there is certainly something strange going on. If you want to believe Musician has nothing to do with that, that's fine with me. Ignorance and gullibility are all the rage lately. Just keep ignoring the fact. That always works out so well.

I really don't care if you think the Pegasus is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. No I haven't heard it. But is that a reason not to point prospective buyers in the direction of a better deal? I don't think the Pegasus can hold up against the Pontus of the Venus. But I guess you won't easily find any fair comparison. If you do I will be very interested. And that's a very big if.

And please refrain from name calling.
i've heard both ares and pegasus and i prefer ares. however, afaik, you've heard neither. that's why your input is viewed not as reference but as inference.
Dec 19, 2021 at 12:58 AM Post #35 of 137
I see you don't like to be called on ad hominems.

If you think that a double negative can hide another personal attack on integrity you must be delusional. I have no interest in any product or manufacturer. And I don't lie.

If a reviewer (iirc it wasn't just one) removes a rave review of the Denafrips Ares just when he posts his 'review' of the Musician Pegasus there is certainly something strange going on. If you want to believe Musician has nothing to do with that, that's fine with me. Ignorance and gullibility are all the rage lately. Just keep ignoring the fact. That always works out so well.

I really don't care if you think the Pegasus is the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. No I haven't heard it. But is that a reason not to point prospective buyers in the direction of a better deal? I don't think the Pegasus can hold up against the Pontus of the Venus. But I guess you won't easily find any fair comparison. If you do I will be very interested. And that's a very big if.

And please refrain from name calling.
I never listened to pegasus. This is also not the pegasus thread, you don't even know where you are. I already linked you the thread on Denafrips vs Musician. Why are you here? To spread hate. If you hate Musician so much you can go harass them, not us.

"The world is s#itty enough as it is."
The world really isn't so crappy. You need to handle your issues outside this thread. Try posting in the lounge regarding your views on life.

If it isn't mental health, you have financial ties with Denafrips. You are very hurt and on a mission to detract customers from purchasing a product. This is not normal.
Dec 19, 2021 at 1:13 AM Post #36 of 137
I’ll retain my Tortuga LDR300x V3 Active. I somehow doubt that either the Musician or Denafrips pre’s would compete in terms of SQ though you never know. If I wanted balanced connections I’d need to move to the Tortuga LDR3000 though.
I've got to learn about preamps some more. Don't have much knowledge on them. The Monoceros I assume will have synergy due to similar internal such as the meanwell power supply, 60w transformer, Elma Silmic II and Wima polypropylene capacitors etc.

High fidelity has a good review on it. It is seen as a warm and tube-like preamp. It's interesting, but of course many would want to remain neutral.
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Dec 19, 2021 at 1:17 AM Post #37 of 137
Just my preference for LDR passives. The Active model uses an OPAMP to sort impedance issues though. No gain with this unit though. I’m yet to hear a pre as honest and detailed as a good LDR though TVC are pretty fantastic. Costs quite a bit more though.
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Dec 19, 2021 at 8:30 AM Post #38 of 137
A good preamplifier can bring a lot to the party .
Dec 19, 2021 at 12:06 PM Post #39 of 137
Also have a Gustard U18 coming in, like you Matthew.

Did anyone confirm that pin configuration on either side could be adjusted to match each other, without having to get a customized HDMI cable?
Dec 19, 2021 at 3:36 PM Post #40 of 137
Yup, I got the I2S working just fine. Involved changing settings on both the U18 and the Aquarius otherwise left and right channels were swapped. Temporarily have a 1m Red Wireworld Starlight 7 in there though have a used Wireworld Silver Starlight 5-2 on the way to replace it. Reputed to be excellent for I2S. :)
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Dec 20, 2021 at 6:11 PM Post #41 of 137
A good preamplifier can bring a lot to the party .

I'm in complete agreement here. I've been through quite a few in the past few years with the Schiit Saga, Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL 2-S, Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL 3 and DACGEAR LDR Pre Mk2 having come and gone. The stand outs to my ears were the DACGEAR LDR Pre Mk2 and the Tortuga LDR300x V3 Active. The DACGEAR in its stock for is the better sounding unit, though add a linear power supply, better fuse, and change the OPAMP to either a Staccato OSH or Sonic Imagery 994Enh-Ticha discrete OPAMPS and it's that little bit better again though at a higher cost.

Lots of different choices though I'm rarely loyal to any one brand though rather try seek the best possible performance for a given price point. LDR are very difficult to beat and the Tortuga actives can drive power amps a bit better than purely passive unit..... Especially if you bi-amp as I do :)
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Dec 21, 2021 at 10:28 AM Post #42 of 137
I'm in complete agreement here. I've been through quite a few in the past few years with the Schiit Saga, Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL 2-S, Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL 3 and DACGEAR LDR Pre Mk2 having come and gone. The stand outs to my ears were the DACGEAR LDR Pre Mk2 and the Tortuga LDR300x V3 Active. The DACGEAR in its stock for is the better sounding unit, though add a linear power supply, better fuse, and change the OPAMP to either a Staccato OSH or Sonic Imagery 994Enh-Ticha discrete OPAMPS and it's that little bit better again though at a higher cost.

Lots of different choices though I'm rarely loyal to any one brand though rather try seek the best possible performance for a given price point. LDR are very difficult to beat and the Tortuga actives can drive power amps a bit better than purely passive unit..... Especially if you bi-amp as I do :)
I had a Sparkos Lab recently the full Aries model I really liked the Reed attenuated gain control all around for the price it performed on a level the retail price wouldn’t suggest.
Having owed the Holo Audio May KTE dac with its very attractive jet black and copper sides I gave Holos preamplifier a consideration not only what GoldenOne said about it on his channel it’s matching chassis. However there’s a couple things I don’t care for about the May I’ve investigated in two other buddies systems completely different from my.
i lived with a mish mash of clashing case colours for a while this is changing I’ll post photos when my new black server arrives sometime hopefully next month.


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Dec 24, 2021 at 7:26 PM Post #43 of 137
Chinese dac rank should be: hansheng dac1000> shanling d600> accurate d1000> denafrips terminal plus=holo may dac> aquarious dac. My friend bought a accurate d1000 and said this da better than his 19k$ burmester dac. But the most amazing dac is hansheng, super amazing dac.
Dec 24, 2021 at 7:52 PM Post #44 of 137
Chinese dac rank should be: hansheng dac1000> shanling d600> accurate d1000> denafrips terminal plus=holo may dac> aquarious dac. My friend bought a accurate d1000 and said this da better than his 19k$ burmester dac. But the most amazing dac is hansheng, super amazing dac.
Yeah, the D1000 is a Rockna Wavedream copy. I’ve had my eye on it for a while though without a single review or user review I didn’t take the risk. The price has also gone up too much for a copy vs the original. They used to be priced around $1k.
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Dec 24, 2021 at 8:01 PM Post #45 of 137
Yeah, the D1000 is a Rockna Wavedream copy. It’s hard my eye for a while though without a single review or user review I didn’t take the risk. The price has also gone up too much for a copy vs the original. They used to be priced around $1k.
Another friend bought accurate d1000 and said much better than his former musician pegasus. Accurate d1000 is about 2000$, but hansheng only 800$. Hansheng dac1000 has only spdif input, non usb. The only dac can compare hánheng( use with accurate dip/ips b600/800) is only wadax atlantis reference dac.

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