multiloop for SDS amp?
Jun 5, 2003 at 2:16 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 17, 2003
Is it possible to use a multiloop topology for the SDS amp? I really wanted to use a better opamp for the input (OPA2132 is great, and what I am using now, but it is because I am using ti now that I want better). I have OPA627 and OPA637. Last time I breadboarded, I A/B'ed the 627 and 637, and the 637 was a LOT smoother, with nice highs and great bass, whereas the 627 had shrill highs. Maybe this was just the config, but it was a standard META. 627 is unity stable, so it would work without multiloop, but 637 wouldn't unless I threw a gain of 300 on it, but then my ears would bleed.
SO, is this a safe route to get to use my 637? Overall gain=about 10... inner loop around 250, outer loop 19, for 10 total. (figured on the fly in my head... could be wrong)

EDIT: If I did multiloop, wouldn't I have to remove the cap going from opamp output to inverting input so the resistor could be there?
Jun 5, 2003 at 1:14 PM Post #2 of 3
theres not a whole lot of point as the real deciding factor in the sound of the SDS amp comes from the MOSFET output section, the OPA just providing a gain stage...

strange you've brought this up now as i asked the same question only a week ago or so, but the answer was the same...

i've designed a PCB for it as well, different from the original but based around it, made it double sided to cut down on twists and turns and reduce trace length...

Jun 10, 2003 at 11:10 PM Post #3 of 3
I've tried this a while back, and I tried to build 3 jung multiloop amps, and I could never get it stable.. no matter what i had DC offset at output, ranging from 30mv to 200mv. I tried adjusting the inner loop gain to no avail. No matter if i increased it or decreased it, i just never could get it stable.

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