MrSpeakers Ether Impressions Thread

Mar 26, 2015 at 3:35 AM Post #31 of 2,843
WOW super excited. Now I have even more reason to go to CanJam 2015!! Mr. Speakers Ether --> then to the HE-1000 --> then to AudioQuest NightHawk --> then to Schiit Yggy (or maybe reverse depending on what is more busy than what)
+1 I would very much like to check out AudioQuest's NightHawk headphones, and I hope the folk, who attend CanJam, Will write about what they see.
Mar 26, 2015 at 7:26 AM Post #32 of 2,843
You may ask nicely and I'll see what I can do when I have time. 

If you do have the time, can you kindly post some high-res pics. Phleaassee...
Mar 26, 2015 at 11:14 AM Post #33 of 2,843
Since someone asked about the HD-800s, I can A/B them on the spot with the Hugo. The HD-800s (my slightly modified version anyway) are more spacious, and the Ether more intimate with the extremely varied acoustic music I listen to. They both have a sense of effortlessness to the sound. I feel that the HD-800s might be describable as more precise but "sterile"-sounding.  The music with the HD-800s seems further away in a sense, whereas with the Ethers is seems closer and all-around. For amp pairings, I suspect (excluding OTL tube amps) similar parings may be popular. The Hugo I have here will be too light-sounding for some people. I liked the Ragnarok with the HD-800s and I hope to try it later, balanced, with the Ethers. So should hopefully give some people an idea of what like. 
Funnily enough, one person, who uses JH-13s and 009s a lot thought that the Ethers sounded dark, at least initially while listening.  They don't have a peaky treble, so depending what a person is used to they might have that impression initially.
I haven't tried any music with deep bass yet. They need impressions from someone with different musical tastes to mine. 
Negatives: We may have one or two, but we're still trying to work out if there are gremlins in the prototypes or actual issues. 
About the design and comfort: The are fairly light but the sliders on the headband on the prototypes move a bit too easily. It is possible to unscrew, move and lock the metal piece to prevent them moving too far, but that might be a PITA if you want someone with a bigger head to try them.
Mar 26, 2015 at 11:35 AM Post #34 of 2,843
Yes, the sliders you have are 3d printed but if fedex cooperates our molded parts will arrive today so we will have smoother slider function,
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Mar 26, 2015 at 12:12 PM Post #35 of 2,843
@Currawong, very helpful impressions! kinda sounds close to how I would describe the LCD-X compared to the HD800. do you have those on hand to compare? ortho v ortho smackdown is always funner! :)
Mar 26, 2015 at 1:34 PM Post #36 of 2,843
I'm going to borrow Warren's pair and compare them later. I'm uploading the video I made of Dan talking about them ATM. I'm not sure the hotel wireless will support doing that though!
Mar 26, 2015 at 8:26 PM Post #37 of 2,843
@ Currawong, thanks for the Hd800 comparison. Looking forward to listening to the Ether with the RYggy stack at the Schiit booth and comparing to my own Hd800 which are unmodified but sporting some aftermarket cables. Can't wait :). I definitely like MrSpeaker products.
Mar 27, 2015 at 6:37 AM Post #38 of 2,843
What can u guys say about tonality and note decay? Is note decay on the quicker side an if so would you say note presentation is on the leaner side? My past experience has been tonality can sometimes take an ugly hit if note presentation comes across as lean so I'm curious about what you guys have to say.
Mar 27, 2015 at 11:46 AM Post #39 of 2,843
I've been away from MrSpeakers news for awhile now, but this could bring me back into the community, pending some thorough reviews from those whose listening habits most match mine. While the looks are a little bit derivative, that's not a bad thing. And besides, what's most important is how it sounds.
Mar 27, 2015 at 11:56 AM Post #40 of 2,843
  I've been away from MrSpeakers news for awhile now, but this could bring me back into the community, pending some thorough reviews from those whose listening habits most match mine. While the looks are a little bit derivative, that's not a bad thing. And besides, what's most important is how it sounds.

You still have a lot to hear


Mar 27, 2015 at 12:31 PM Post #42 of 2,843


I was wondering, was the first impression done with the dum cable or the stock cable?
Mar 27, 2015 at 1:10 PM Post #44 of 2,843
I'll have to see how the reviews go after the hype dies down. Honestly, I didn't like the Alpha Dog (too boring) or the Alpha Prime (while it was exciting at first, it quickly got fatiguing and the mid-range sounded...weird at times.) Loved the Mad Dog though.
Mar 27, 2015 at 2:08 PM Post #45 of 2,843
dan, did you got my preorder that I sent by mail ? 

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