MrSpeakers Ether Impressions Thread

Mar 25, 2015 at 10:44 AM Post #16 of 2,843
Frank, Nice write up.  
However, as well all know - no headphone is perfect.  It's hard to get a feel of your preference.  What is your reference headphone?  How does this headphone stack up to your reference.  I'm sure they're some things this headphone does not do as well as your reference / or this headphone has now become your reference.  I'm not asking you to be a headphone critic, just to be a little more critical.  
What's the pros and what's the cons.  What would you have liked to hear different?  What do you think can be improved upon?  Not comparing but Tyll does a good job of keeping in line with his preference, we all know he likes a warmer type of headphone and he will point out the slightest treble etch.  Then he would ultimately rank the headphone somewhat with his wall of fame thing.
So how does this compare to the HE1000?  Not being in the same price range has nothing to do with the sound quality of each.  A little more cons in your reviews would help a lot..
This is just my opinion.  As reviews are getting a little redundant here lately.

I appreciate you comments. We are doing a formal review with warren Chi on our site. I did a preview and spent  a very short time with the ETHER and it was a preview not a detailed review. Warren will address everything in a detailed formal review. The Preview I did from a prototype was limited. I spent some more time yesterday at MrSpeakers yesterday listening to production samples and will say  that the ETHER treble is extended. The  treble is one of its strongest points in this balanced and neutral headphone. The drum cymbals sound like metal not swishy and have excellent sheen. Horns were really special.  I did not have an HE6 to compare  for this preview and this headphone compete with any other planar in its  price range and can compete with more expensive headphones and is one of the most comfortable and musical headphones.
@Frank I, I really enjoyed reading your very informative & detailed review! I would love to hear more on your thoughts on how the Ether compares against the other headphones in this price range and perhaps even the HE1000 (as you had the chance to do a very thorough audition) in the near future. Thank you!

edit: I hope questions for reviewers are allowed on this thread. If not, I apologize & feel free to delete this post.

This was a preview much different from a formal review which Warren Chi will be doing for us. The Ether  is reference class and will compete with any headphone and many will love it comfort levels and pristine balanced sound. Tonality is outstanding and the treble on this this headphone is special. 
Mar 25, 2015 at 11:42 AM Post #17 of 2,843
What Frank said. We turned up at MrSpeakers while Jude's video was uploading. That was the first time for all of us to listen to them. We've borrowed a couple of pairs and hopefully will get out more impressions in the next few days before Canjam.
Mar 25, 2015 at 12:15 PM Post #18 of 2,843
Subbed, excited, preemptive apologies to my Wife and my wallet :money_with_wings:
Mar 25, 2015 at 1:15 PM Post #19 of 2,843
Really curious as to how this compares to the Hd800. I see some similarities but would like to know more about the treble extension and bass between the two. I personally love the Hd800 which are my reference for resolution, soundstage, and comfort. I do wish the 800s had a little more bottom end though. This Ether looks very interesting. Gotta get my butt over to Canjam and have a listen for myself.
Mar 25, 2015 at 3:59 PM Post #21 of 2,843
WOW super excited. Now I have even more reason to go to CanJam 2015!! Mr. Speakers Ether --> then to the HE-1000 --> then to AudioQuest NightHawk --> then to Schiit Yggy (or maybe reverse depending on what is more busy than what)
Mar 25, 2015 at 4:02 PM Post #22 of 2,843
  WOW super excited. Now I have even more reason to go to CanJam 2015!! Mr. Speakers Ether --> then to the HE-1000 --> then to AudioQuest NightHawk --> then to Schiit Yggy (or maybe reverse depending on what is more busy than what)

forgot the engimacoutics dharma
Mar 25, 2015 at 6:08 PM Post #24 of 2,843
Yup, if anyone at CanJam gets to compare The HE-1000, The Dharma and The Ether, I'd be drooling al over it and beyond grateful <3 :3 Really, I mean it. 

Mar 25, 2015 at 6:42 PM Post #25 of 2,843
Currawong et al - thank you for your feedback on this exciting new phone. 
Seems everyone always asks "hows the bass?" I am asking that formally. 
Reading and watching the video introduction, hearing/reading "monitor", "neutral", etc makes me think the bass is lacking.  Now, this coming from a somewhat reformed basshead who thinks the HE-6 fed out of speaker taps of a Pioneer Spec 250 wpc vintage amp has the best, hardest hitting, cleanest and most visceral bass ever, so the HE-6 not being known as a basshead phone gives me a glimmer of hope that fed right and equalized maybe the Ether can thump. 
Hope you guys can figure out how to test them with a speaker amp.  There's lot of us vintage amp guys lurking out here in Head Fi-dom who wouldn't trade our old Pioneers for any headphone amp. 
Thanks in advance for the answer to the "hows the bass?" question......................
Mar 25, 2015 at 9:50 PM Post #28 of 2,843

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