MrSpeakers Ether Impressions Thread

Nov 9, 2015 at 5:11 PM Post #2,057 of 2,843
We have updated the sleeve on the bottom of the cable, it's more flexible.  Same sound.

Do all recent (last week or two) shipments have the new revision?
Nov 9, 2015 at 5:50 PM Post #2,058 of 2,843
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@funCANS MrSpeakers
Nov 9, 2015 at 7:08 PM Post #2,059 of 2,843
I thought I'd take the chance to throw in here that the Ethers sound very nice out of the Chord Mojo. 
Nov 9, 2015 at 7:15 PM Post #2,060 of 2,843
  I thought I'd take the chance to throw in here that the Ethers sound very nice out of the Chord Mojo. 

Will have to try with mine.
Nov 9, 2015 at 8:10 PM Post #2,061 of 2,843
I agree the ether sounds great with the mojo
Nov 10, 2015 at 3:48 AM Post #2,062 of 2,843
I went audition Ether C yesterday with my Mojo and X5ii. I was quite set on getting a pair of closed planar to complement my LCD2F. However it sounded a bit thin and the bass is a tad too light. I even tested it on ALO Studio Six which gives it slightly more body, focus and tube smoothness but it still sounded a bit thin. The shop owner insisted I try Ether. Much to my surprise it sounded fuller with more meaty and satisfying bass. I was stumped. Given that they use the same planar drivers, I can't understand why. From reading forums I got the impression that the close cup should sound focussed, fuller and more bassy compared to its open sibling. Anyone has any experience comparing the both? Thanks!

I have to say the Ether sounded very nice with the Mojo, it is so easy to drive Ether for a satisfying listening. So now I have a change of heart after having auditioned both.
Nov 10, 2015 at 7:31 PM Post #2,063 of 2,843
I finally made the agonizing decision and ordered the Ether's last night. I was looking at the Ether C but really prefer open HPs. Dan shipped them today! I might even have them by the weekend.
Now that the weeks of evaluating and deciding is over the few days wait is super tough. I'll burn these in on my current system while I wait for my Geek Pulse Infinity to arrive. I also have the new MIT Vero Reference cable on the way to try that out with the awesome Ethers.
Thanks for all the opinions and impressions posted here and the Ether C pages. It confused and helped me both. LOL
Nov 10, 2015 at 9:05 PM Post #2,064 of 2,843
  I finally made the agonizing decision and ordered the Ether's last night. I was looking at the Ether C but really prefer open HPs. Dan shipped them today! I might even have them by the weekend.
Now that the weeks of evaluating and deciding is over the few days wait is super tough. I'll burn these in on my current system while I wait for my Geek Pulse Infinity to arrive. I also have the new MIT Vero Reference cable on the way to try that out with the awesome Ethers.
Thanks for all the opinions and impressions posted here and the Ether C pages. It confused and helped me both. LOL

Wow, great first post and welcome to HF!! Congrats on the Ether. 
Nov 10, 2015 at 11:39 PM Post #2,065 of 2,843
  I finally made the agonizing decision and ordered the Ether's last night. I was looking at the Ether C but really prefer open HPs. Dan shipped them today! I might even have them by the weekend.
Now that the weeks of evaluating and deciding is over the few days wait is super tough. I'll burn these in on my current system while I wait for my Geek Pulse Infinity to arrive. I also have the new MIT Vero Reference cable on the way to try that out with the awesome Ethers.
Thanks for all the opinions and impressions posted here and the Ether C pages. It confused and helped me both. LOL

Wow, great first post and welcome to HF!! Congrats on the Ether. 

And..... Sorry about your wallet....
Nov 11, 2015 at 1:03 AM Post #2,066 of 2,843
@Thorbs Great choice, the Ether has a lot of great things going for it. I find them very enjoyable and can easily get lost in the music with them.
Nov 11, 2015 at 1:16 PM Post #2,067 of 2,843
  I finally made the agonizing decision and ordered the Ether's last night. I was looking at the Ether C but really prefer open HPs. Dan shipped them today! I might even have them by the weekend.
Now that the weeks of evaluating and deciding is over the few days wait is super tough. I'll burn these in on my current system while I wait for my Geek Pulse Infinity to arrive. I also have the new MIT Vero Reference cable on the way to try that out with the awesome Ethers.
Thanks for all the opinions and impressions posted here and the Ether C pages. It confused and helped me both. LOL

I love the sound out of the infinity. It really burns in and opens up, so don't be disappointed when you first get it. 
Nov 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM Post #2,068 of 2,843
Thanks MattTCG, aamefford, and cradon! I think it is a great choice too. The wallet already knows this place is dangerous...and addicting. I will put the Ethers through the works on vinyl and digital sources. Not sure what I can add to the discussion here but I'll try and give my impressions in a couple weeks, post burn in. My old Senn HD580's are still hanging around but may not get much use soon.
Nov 11, 2015 at 2:36 PM Post #2,070 of 2,843
I know it may be a silly question, but could someone elaborate on what the mesh velcro flap on the inside of the case is intended for?  I just got my ETHER's today as an open box demo from an authorized retailer, and they may not have been packaged like from the factory, and therefore I may be missing something...
Also, the HE-500's seem to fit in the case okay, just need to bend the headband in just a tad for the gimbals for fit.

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