MrSpeakers Alpha PRIME: Impressions and Discussion Thread

Apr 23, 2015 at 7:59 PM Post #1,486 of 2,891
There is no fuss. It is what it is. The AP and the 1266 are not as low in distortion in some areas as some other cans. The 1266 is a sort of unique can. It's got very interesting bass response and I actually like it. Don't like it's price nor it's looks but some may disagree and I'm kool with that. In a nutshell I can understand why some folks like the Abyss quite a bit.

As far as amp, tube amps tend to have lower distortion figures that headphones, and interact with cans differently (tube or not tube depending on many factors).

Aside from THD, I would say ADs and ADPs are not perfect, but agree they are not bad at all in their perhaps latest revision and provided no turds slipped out into the wild. There are trade offs here and there.

I actually like the cheaper Mad Dogs better (I think I heard the latest iteration?) than the ADs and ADPs because I like the extra lows they had in them.
Apr 24, 2015 at 12:37 AM Post #1,487 of 2,891
There is no fuss. It is what it is. The AP and the 1266 are not as low in distortion in some areas as some other cans. The 1266 is a sort of unique can. It's got very interesting bass response and I actually like it. Don't like it's price nor it's looks but some may disagree and I'm kool with that. In a nutshell I can understand why some folks like the Abyss quite a bit.

As far as amp, tube amps tend to have lower distortion figures that headphones, and interact with cans differently (tube or not tube depending on many factors).

Aside from THD, I would say ADs and ADPs are not perfect, but agree they are not bad at all in their perhaps latest revision and provided no turds slipped out into the wild. There are trade offs here and there.

I actually like the cheaper Mad Dogs better (I think I heard the latest iteration?) than the ADs and ADPs because I like the extra lows they had in them.

Every person have different ears and music taste/preference . Some might even like distortions ... *looks at tube*
Just buy what you like and enjoy what you have ... no point harping on the dislikes.
And there is no point comparing open cans with closed can, most of closed can owners buy a closed can for it's isolation ... something even the best open can cannot do.
So shall we all agree to disagree and move on? Pretty Pls?
Apr 24, 2015 at 1:58 AM Post #1,488 of 2,891
  what amp are you using?

For the burn-in-time: Violectric HPA V90
Later it´s possible to compare easily with the Graham Slee Solo because the V90 has a direct link-through from input signal to connect a second amp getting the same signal as the V90.
Apr 24, 2015 at 2:02 AM Post #1,489 of 2,891
Every person have different ears and music taste/preference . Some might even like distortions ... *looks at tube*

Just buy what you like and enjoy what you have ... no point harping on the dislikes.

And there is no point comparing open cans with closed can, most of closed can owners buy a closed can for it's isolation ... something even the best open can cannot do.

So shall we all agree to disagree and move on? Pretty Pls?

I don't think we are disagreeing at this point.

Some folks here seem to understand the trade-offs about what they have, and appreciate the strengths of their equipment... until they move on to something else if so they choose, or not.
Apr 24, 2015 at 6:31 AM Post #1,490 of 2,891
I don't think we are disagreeing at this point.

Some folks here seem to understand the trade-offs about what they have, and appreciate the strengths of their equipment... until they move on to something else if so they choose, or not.

Agreed.  Pretty relevant discussion, and more importantly, very balanced.  These things may not matter to most people skimming the thread for info, but I believe to truly appreciate the gear that some of us spend THOUSANDS of dollars on, it's a good idea to have a grasp of the strengths and weakness of the equipment in question.  My experience informs me that interperting THD plots is an over-used method of evaluation, pretty much like focusing on watts with amps. There's much more to picture.  But still, it's information I need to have in order to make an intelligent choice.
Kudos to the guys pointing these things out, and in such an informed and civil manner!
Apr 25, 2015 at 3:36 PM Post #1,491 of 2,891
Can anyone recommend a hard case for the Primes?
Apr 25, 2015 at 9:17 PM Post #1,495 of 2,891
(My daughter now begs me to let her listen to Led Zeppelin on the Primes.)

The primes do what really good pieces of audio equipment do: they motivate me to go back deep into my music library to re-discover really good old music. I haven't listened to Led Zeppelin since high school, but for anybody curious, Physical Graffiti on the Primes, oh my god...
Apr 25, 2015 at 9:31 PM Post #1,497 of 2,891

Ha! You're right. I vaguely remember wondering what that piece of foam was for, then forgetting about it in my lust to try the phones. 
Although, I still have to wonder why they didn't just make the stands the proper height, instead of forcing us to fiddle with the foam, which moves around and threatens to fall off every time you take the phones off or put them back on the stand. 
Now I've just duct-taped the foam in place, which is better but not good. 
Apr 25, 2015 at 10:33 PM Post #1,498 of 2,891
Originally the stand was that height to allow us to use USPS flat rate boxes for international to save customers money. We switched to Fedex so it's no longer an issue but the whole system was already designed.
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@funCANS MrSpeakers
Apr 25, 2015 at 10:35 PM Post #1,499 of 2,891
Ha! You're right. I vaguely remember wondering what that piece of foam was for, then forgetting about it in my lust to try the phones. 

Although, I still have to wonder why they didn't just make the stands the proper height, instead of forcing us to fiddle with the foam, which moves around and threatens to fall off every time you take the phones off or put them back on the stand. 

Now I've just duct-taped the foam in place, which is better but not good. 

I think the foam is better for the headband personally, though a one piece stand wld look nicer.
Apr 26, 2015 at 10:34 AM Post #1,500 of 2,891
  Can anyone recommend a hard case for the Primes?

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