Moon Nēo 430HA Reference Headphone Amplifier

Jan 24, 2025 at 4:52 PM Post #1,951 of 1,968
Mine was $4500 usd when I traded up from the 230. But I wouldn't be joking saying it's still my favorite headphone Amp out there. Price aside I notably prefer it to the hugo TT2, dcs Lina stack, I think this and the bartok sound rather similar but 430s volume control is the best still.

And when I was waiting for the 430 to come in for audition, I put my 230 against many such as the hugo 2, Sony zh1es, mccintosh mha150, mha200, I would personally only own the 430 over the 230 out of all of them.
For what it's worth, I agree with this. I would add that, in my opinion, the crossfeed implementation is also the best out there. I certainly hope Simaudio has developed a worthy replacement.
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Jan 24, 2025 at 6:42 PM Post #1,952 of 1,968
I'd argue that the crossfeed in the SPL Phonitor line is better, but that's picking nits.

Unfortunately these days I think the price/performance isn't really there anymore. Same for Bryston, as much as I'm a fan of both. They've both suffered from price creep and it's frustrating that they can't keep up against the ever cheaper overseas manufacturers.
Jan 24, 2025 at 8:19 PM Post #1,953 of 1,968
I'd argue that the crossfeed in the SPL Phonitor line is better, but that's picking nits.

Unfortunately these days I think the price/performance isn't really there anymore. Same for Bryston, as much as I'm a fan of both. They've both suffered from price creep and it's frustrating that they can't keep up against the ever cheaper overseas manufacturers.
I'd agree it's a very close thing - I've owned the Phonitor xe and thought it was great. Re value, that's always a difficult call, I think. The cost differential is certainly increasing relative to some makers/markets. That said, I'm not sure the differential relative to others (European, Japanese, US makers in particular) is so marked. I can't recall a time when the components I preferred weren't more expensive than much of the competition. Some might argue I've always spent more than I need in order to get a decent result. But I've never regretted my (successful) purchases - and continue to think my preferred components (when more expensive) offered something a little more appealing than the competition. I suppose I'm less frustrated than resigned to the fact that my particular (obsessive?) attention to some details is likely to prove expensive ...

I should add that, in fact, I've acquired components from time to time that I really didn't like - and ended up selling them for much less than I paid. But I think of this as a different kind of issue - risk-taking on my part, really ...
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Jan 27, 2025 at 12:01 PM Post #1,954 of 1,968
I confirmed today with Moon that they have discontinued both the 230 and 430 HA and HAD models. They are not replacing them. They are focusing on other areas in the audiophile market. I suspect the 430HAD will become a nice collectable item.
Jan 27, 2025 at 7:55 PM Post #1,956 of 1,968
Always a HP win when the big guys come in and play for awhile.
Jan 28, 2025 at 11:51 AM Post #1,958 of 1,968
Here is the email I received from Costa. He is co-owner of Simaudio:

Hi Eric,

How are you? It is really nice to hear from you, and I hope things are well on your end.

Sadly, you heard right, we have already discontinued both the 230HAD and the 430HA (&HAD) headphone amplifiers. We won’t be making any replacements – it is just a market segment we have decided to get out of, and concentrate more on other product categories.

We do not have anything new to show at Axpona this year, but if you have a bit of time (maybe half an hour? I know you will likely have a busy schedule) it would be nice to catch up over a drink.

Let me know!

All the best,


Costa Koulisakis
Director of MOON Training Program / Directeur du Programme de Formation MOON
450.449.2212 ext. 1201
Jan 28, 2025 at 5:26 PM Post #1,959 of 1,968
That’s sad. But that’s how it is.
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Jan 29, 2025 at 8:29 PM Post #1,961 of 1,968
I will ask Costa about that at Axpona. They still have them on the rest of the line.
Jan 30, 2025 at 4:25 PM Post #1,963 of 1,968
Mine was $4500 usd when I traded up from the 230. But I wouldn't be joking saying it's still my favorite headphone Amp out there. Price aside I notably prefer it to the hugo TT2, dcs Lina stack, I think this and the bartok sound rather similar but 430s volume control is the best still.

And when I was waiting for the 430 to come in for audition, I put my 230 against many such as the hugo 2, Sony zh1es, mccintosh mha150, mha200, I would personally only own the 430 over the 230 out of all of them.

I read that the Bartok is not so good with low impedance headphones. One of the reasons I haven’t tried it
Jan 30, 2025 at 4:30 PM Post #1,964 of 1,968
The 430HAD is still reference level. So versatile too with inputs and HP connections.
Jan 30, 2025 at 5:03 PM Post #1,965 of 1,968
I read that the Bartok is not so good with low impedance headphones. One of the reasons I haven’t tried it
I've seen that too, their site recommends something like 35 ohms the lowest, which is weird to me.

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