Aug 5, 2011 at 2:21 PM Post #1,396 of 2,269

Coppers have better treble and speed for Metal though maybe fatiguing for some.  MD's are more durable, they don't split.  

I just wonder if its worth upgrading from copper --> MDs. Spending another $250
Hey, question, i just saw these at amazon:

FiiO E5 Headphone Amplifier

Would this really improve the MD's Sound? not in volume but quality.
Aug 5, 2011 at 3:19 PM Post #1,397 of 2,269
Excessive use of the word "better" in this post!

The MD aren't "better" than the Coppers, they are just different. Don't feel disappointed in your decision to get the Coppers. As Anax said, the treble and speed of the Coppers will probably make them better for metal.
So in the end the MD's are better than the copper huh =(  I just bought the coppers and read this thread. I was looking for the best bass and highs and they recommended me the coppers. Didnt' know the MD's had better bass. I listen to a lot of metal and love bass. If i would of known earlier. I wish they would of told me the MD's had better bass, i would of bought the coppers. Still, im not saying the coppers are not good, they're great. But i just wanted the best of the monsters. And its just $50 difference!

So, is it true the cable on the MD's is much thinner than the coppers? Doesnt this make the MD's more probable to break?

Aug 5, 2011 at 4:12 PM Post #1,398 of 2,269

Excessive use of the word "better" in this post!

The MD aren't "better" than the Coppers, they are just different. Don't feel disappointed in your decision to get the Coppers. As Anax said, the treble and speed of the Coppers will probably make them better for metal.


Don't get me wrong, i love the coppers, never heard anything better. And that's the thing, "better" might be soo slight, so minimal that im probably stressing to much on this. Prpbably even my tracks aren't even that good in quality for the coppers to play.
I'll stay with the coppers then. I still have to "burn" them in, and i know ill love them even more. Ill just enjoy my music and not worry anymore about those details. I think with these i have a really decent pair of headphone. Where i live people who think they have expensive headphones have paid $100. if they'd heard what these cost, i bet they would be on top of me trying to steal them LOL
Question, "speed" what does this mean? Do other basses go slower than others? but wont that affect the natural speed of the song? O.o Im just new at these terms
Aug 5, 2011 at 4:34 PM Post #1,399 of 2,269
What do you think the MD will be better than the Copper at doing though?
The speed difference is noticeable in the bass I think (I've got both). The MD has more bass quantity and it has a slower decay. Combine this with some complex, fast-paced basslines and the MD might not handle it quite as well as the Copper.
Aug 6, 2011 at 2:54 AM Post #1,400 of 2,269

What do you think the MD will be better than the Copper at doing though?
The speed difference is noticeable in the bass I think (I've got both). The MD has more bass quantity and it has a slower decay. Combine this with some complex, fast-paced basslines and the MD might not handle it quite as well as the Copper.

I agree about the difference in decay. I occasionally like the heavy notes; but out of the two headphones, I find myself listening to the coppers more
Aug 6, 2011 at 1:53 PM Post #1,401 of 2,269

What do you think the MD will be better than the Copper at doing though?
The speed difference is noticeable in the bass I think (I've got both). The MD has more bass quantity and it has a slower decay. Combine this with some complex, fast-paced basslines and the MD might not handle it quite as well as the Copper.

I dont own the MD's but i read that they have even more bass, more mids and it has a more "3d" or Q sound. and i love that, when you feel you are in the middle of the group, like they were playing around you. Well, i dont know if the 3d effect only depends on how the music was recorded.
"slower decay" hmmm so you're saying that if i listen to power and you have the pedals banging rapidly, the previous pedal bang's "eco" will "fall on top" the next pedal sound?
Aug 6, 2011 at 1:58 PM Post #1,402 of 2,269


I agree about the difference in decay. I occasionally like the heavy notes; but out of the two headphones, I find myself listening to the coppers more

THat's nice to know. So its really what's best for the type of music i listen to. So the coppers do look like the right ones for my music huh? metal, rock, symphonic metal.
Aug 6, 2011 at 3:09 PM Post #1,403 of 2,269
I've had my MD's for a month now and am very pleased with the purchase. They are my everyday use headphones, I use them for about 6+ hours a day and I haven't noticed anything wrong with build quality. I treat them pretty gingerly, hoping they will last me a few years. 
I have noticed the paint wear away from the sides, this is from when I lay them down on the desk a few times a day when I get phone calls. Nothing too bad.
I settled on the smallish white foam gel tips after trying every single tip that came with the MD's I would say my Klipsch S4's were more comfortable to wear though, probrably because they didn't weigh so much.The MD's are heavy and you can notice the weight of them in your year and they don't go in as deep as I would like. Not that I want to jam them in, but they feel like they are balance on the edge of the ear canal. 
But the sound I am more than pleased with, I love them for Rock, Jazz, Soundtracks, Electronic, Hip Hop, Podacasts, anything I throw at them the sound is perfect for what I was looking for. They do shine with rock and jazz I think, the guitars on Pink Floyd and Pianos in jazz sound awesome. Tool on these sound great as well.
Aug 7, 2011 at 1:40 AM Post #1,405 of 2,269
Seems the trumpets are released. Intrigued, but I doubt they'll be able to outdo do effortless carbon nanotube micro-driver JVC uses on the FXT90s. 
Aug 7, 2011 at 2:12 AM Post #1,406 of 2,269
On each table, guests found a few samples of the Miles Davis Trumpet headphone and a gold iPod Nano, stocked with playlists created by Monster—demo tracks, test signals, pop songs. We took turns listening, and we were all impressed. Michael Fremer, sitting to my immediate left, took a turn and plugged the headphones into his own iPhone, listened to a recording of his own voice, and commented positively: “It sounds like me!” David Chesky, sitting to my immediate right, took a turn and plugged the headphones into his own mobile device and commented positively: “I like them better than my Turbines.”
Aug 7, 2011 at 6:07 PM Post #1,407 of 2,269

On each table, guests found a few samples of the Miles Davis Trumpet headphone and a gold iPod Nano, stocked with playlists created by Monster—demo tracks, test signals, pop songs. We took turns listening, and we were all impressed. Michael Fremer, sitting to my immediate left, took a turn and plugged the headphones into his own iPhone, listened to a recording of his own voice, and commented positively: “It sounds like me!” David Chesky, sitting to my immediate right, took a turn and plugged the headphones into his own mobile device and commented positively: “I like them better than my Turbines.”

I cant wait to read the reviews!
Aug 7, 2011 at 6:38 PM Post #1,408 of 2,269
I got some of those over-the-ear guides Anaxilus linked to and they just don't get along all that well with my spectacles. Plan on ordering some of those Meelec bi-flanges as well but they were out-of-stock last I checked.
Aug 8, 2011 at 12:41 AM Post #1,409 of 2,269

I got some of those over-the-ear guides Anaxilus linked to and they just don't get along all that well with my spectacles. Plan on ordering some of those Meelec bi-flanges as well but they were out-of-stock last I checked.

Woops, you should have mentioned you wear glasses.  >.<  That's seems to be a problem for glass wearers.
Aug 8, 2011 at 12:59 AM Post #1,410 of 2,269
I can still use them, it's just a bit of a hassle. I can wear them over-the-ear just fine anyway, but I figured the guides might help keep them in when I'm out-and-about.
Used the Miles Davis at the gym today. They stayed in just fine. I only ever had to fidget with them when on the treadmill. If I had used my Comply tips instead they would have probably stayed in fine even then.

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