1000+ Head-Fier
Do the MD have durability problems like the Coppers? I have seen many instances of coppers that have driver flex and glue separation problems with the casing.
Really having a hard time deciding between the Atrio M5s, coppers, golds, or MD. Gotta have my bass...
I was pretty much in-line with what you're thinking right now. I was considering the Atrio's and the Monster offerings. For me, what it came down to is this. I couldn't get used to the looks of the Atrio's. They just don't look the part of $200 headphones. I also thought they would fit strange, as I've read that's something that others have experienced. As for the copper's and gold's, I read a few threads and there seemed to be a recurring message of either a lot of driver flex on insertion of the phones, or the glue on the casings would give up, and people were shipping them back for warranty repair. While there are reports of that with the MDT's, it seems to be much less frequent. The solid casing of the MDT's also prevents glue from giving up. And overall, the looks of the MDT's are top notch. I've been listening to them since I got them today, and I'm just so happy with the sound.