Monoprice Monolith Liquid Platinum - By Alex Cavalli
Mar 14, 2019 at 1:15 PM Post #1,861 of 5,240
I wonder whether it is better to use the 1/4" attenuation at the amp out, or RCAs at the amp in... :thinking:
Any thoughts, either by people that tried both, or by someone who has a theoretical explanation why would 1 be better solution than the other?
Good question.
Mar 14, 2019 at 1:19 PM Post #1,862 of 5,240
Anyone tried low impedance cans like LCD-X or iBasso SR1 on the Liquid Platinum?
Just from my experience with the Ori and Alpha Prime, being 50ohm hard to drive planars, I have very little room for volume control, as it is. Therefore I don't think this is the amp for low impedance cans, without a gain switch, but would love to hear if anyone has tried it.
Mar 14, 2019 at 1:29 PM Post #1,863 of 5,240
I wonder whether it is better to use the 1/4" attenuation at the amp out, or RCAs at the amp in... :thinking:
Any thoughts, either by people that tried both, or by someone who has a theoretical explanation why would 1 be better solution than the other?

Good question.
One quick thought about practical difference:
If using RCAs (amp's input) - that would help attenuate headphones connected to XLR4 balanced out as well...
Mar 14, 2019 at 1:45 PM Post #1,864 of 5,240
Anyone tried low impedance cans like LCD-X or iBasso SR1 on the Liquid Platinum?
I have tried my Meze Empyrean with LP.
it’s very sensitive HP, so I have to use MOJO as my DAC. I have to go way below 2V out of Mojo with its volume and then I also have Schit Sys which I’m dialing down to around 2-3 and with all these attenuation I am at max around 8:30-9 in volume knob in LP.
SOmetimes I also end up using headroom feature of DSP to attenuate 2-3 Db in Roon.
Mar 14, 2019 at 1:47 PM Post #1,865 of 5,240
Cool, but it is single ended.
If there is enough interest we can bulk order with XLR out.
May be we can talk to them
Mar 14, 2019 at 6:08 PM Post #1,866 of 5,240
Mar 14, 2019 at 7:28 PM Post #1,867 of 5,240
Good O'l Amir eh, he swings a little too far to the objective side for my taste. But I do read his website and consider his conclusions. I've owned and enjoyed gear that he loves and gear that he's dammed. He's generally not a fan of Tubes and Multi-bit or R2R gear, no one listen's to either of those products for their measurements, and I don't think anyone ever said they measure better. If you take him to seriously you'll be stuck on Topping D50 forever, that will be the end of your journey. Sure does suck the fun right out of the hobby. Amir's never been to kind to Alex's previous designs, have to see how this one fair's.
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Mar 14, 2019 at 8:00 PM Post #1,868 of 5,240
Mar 14, 2019 at 8:18 PM Post #1,869 of 5,240
Amir's review is crap, for a couple of reasons. Mostly because he discover's that the amp performs much better in Balanced output mode, but all but one of his measurements including his precious SINAD are based on single ended output. What a moron. Then he makes up a new test that he's never done to any other amp before.. (signal to noise at 50mv output 600 ohm).. finally he asked why put a tube in the circuit.. because it's a god damn tube amp you dumb crap. The amp clearly changes character with tube rolling as well. This is why I don't like Amir, he has his own bias against anything not solid state and go's out of his way to prove his point, often times with meaningless measurements, zoomed in graph's and out of context bull. Nobody buy's this thing for it's single ended performance, 1/4 may as well not even be there...
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Mar 14, 2019 at 8:30 PM Post #1,870 of 5,240
Amir's review is crap, for a couple of reasons. Mostly because he discover's that the amp performs much better in Balanced output mode, but all but one of his measurements including his precious SINAD are based on single ended output. What a moron. Then he makes up a new test that he's never done to any other amp before.. (signal to noise at 50mv output 600 ohm).. finally he asked why put a tube in the circuit.. because it's a god damn tube amp you dumb ****. The amp clearly changes character with tube rolling as well. This is why I don't like Amir, he has his own bias against anything not solid state and go's out of his way to prove his point, often times with meaningless measurements, zoomed in graph's and out of context bull****. Nobody buy's this thing for it's single ended performance, 1/4 may as well not even be there...
Yes, but it's Audio Science, so how can you argue with it :)
Mar 14, 2019 at 8:31 PM Post #1,871 of 5,240
Very easily... measure an amp that's targeted towards a crowd that will not even see it has a 1/4 jack, and is clearly the weakest part of the amp.. yeah measure that and base your entire review off it, don't show the SINAD of the balanced output, then form conclusions based off that, and mislead the reader.. guys got "issues".. I own the excellent measuring and well reviewed by him, ADI-2 also. I still think he's full of crap... lies, damn lies, statistics, lawyers and Amir's Measurements.. in that order.
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Mar 14, 2019 at 8:45 PM Post #1,872 of 5,240
Ah, nothing I like more than to see amp measurements... and completely ignore them.
Mar 14, 2019 at 8:55 PM Post #1,873 of 5,240
Yeah.. Distortion's not a dirty word folks. Everyone knows Tubes and R2R have more distortion, that's why we buy it. Warmth and 3D soundstage literally is distortion, that's A-OK.
Mar 14, 2019 at 8:59 PM Post #1,874 of 5,240
I guess manufacturer suggest burn in of amp for tube used to be properly burned in. If you buy any good NOS tube they would suggest something like 100 hrs and up of burning in.
I don’t feel non NOS tube need 100 hrs. But NOS tubes do sound smoother after burn in

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm about 50 hours into the burn in and I "think" I have notice an improvement in the sound...much of the top end glare I was experiencing and found fatiguing seems to be more under control now. I do still think the vocals are slightly recessed relative to my other headphone amp.

Overall it's sounding better, clean and crispy and starting to fill out.


could just be me playing mind games with myself.
Mar 14, 2019 at 9:19 PM Post #1,875 of 5,240
Regarding the measurements conversation in response to post above. I have not read and don't think I will, but if the reports are accurate a few things (and I don't usually comment on conversations such as this one).

If the measurements are only made from the SE out and this is intentional, it belies any real understanding of the differences between full balanced and SE. It is a measurement that does not really measure the true capabilities on an amp like the LP.

For one thing, because of the way the SE is tapped out of the balanced outputs the even order harmonics will be higher than from the Bal out because there is no differential amp cancellation. This only happens from Bal out.

Secondly. accepting that SE out represents the capability of an amp belies a lack of understanding of the differences between balanced and SE operation.

To present a measurement as representative of a balanced amp from SE out is simply not correct (if indeed that is the case here).

For another thing, measurements are not a simple matter of hooking up a few cables and running some profiles. One has to know how his measuring equipment works. The grounds have to done correctly. The environmental noise has to be taken into account. Etc.

I strongly suggest that, if anyone wants real professional measurements, you read AtomicBob's full suite of measurements and evaluation of this amp. I doubt you'll find any more accurate measurements than these and likely less accurate. :smile_phones:

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