Feb 20, 2010 at 1:41 AM Post #16 of 26
I use cables from:
Radio Shack
Van Den Hul
Acoustic Research
Blue Jeans Cable
PS Audio

I honestly can't say I've noticed a difference. Monoprice is now gets my first look. For my ears, equipment, source material they've all performed equally well. I had some connector issues with the Pheonix cables, the RS cables seem to fit far too tightly, and i've had some problems with Monster's jackets after a while and Monoprice's premium lines are sometimes rather stiff but they all seem to just work.

Jun 8, 2012 at 2:10 AM Post #17 of 26
I have used Monoprice interconnects in the past for my headphones and I although they are very good for the price good I can hear significant difference on a $60 pair of Binary B7 Series cable.
Monoprice cables are great for starting out but if you want more out of your system I would recommend upgrading.
Jun 8, 2012 at 4:38 PM Post #18 of 26
I've used monoprice for years and they've always been fantastic.  I first used them for HDMI cables for under $5 when people were still getting fooled into paying 10x that and I've listened to high end cables at the San Francisco Head Fi meet recently and they sounded no better than monoprice offerings.  
Dec 11, 2012 at 9:25 AM Post #20 of 26
Monoprice isn't the prettiest but they function just as well as the "audiophile-grade" cables.

Premium 3.5mm Male to Male (<$2)

Dang that's a big cable... I just had one of my 3.5mm interconnects die one me... some stupid off brand I'll be emailing later. Non the less gonna go for some MonoPrice and HOPE that last longer than 2 freaking months. The cable started producing some serious audible noise today as well as complete bass roll offs -.-. I've had this issue b4. Thankfully Fiio Cables usally last me 6 months e.e
Non the less I'm buying one of these now. Let's see how it works... I think it will fit my cMoy e.e
holy crap that thing is huge... like the size of my THUMB huge. Great for my Tube amp BAD bot my portable amps xD. Non the less MonoPrice was cheap and shipped fast so I'll get a smaller cable from them in the future :D
Feb 9, 2013 at 1:55 AM Post #23 of 26
^ but they sound very edgy / distorted.  And noisy and cloudy.

I disagree. I feel that returns are diminished when you eventually spend close to 100$+ for cables.  Similar to most things.
I've heard and owned a few Monster Cables, Blue Jeans, Audioquest, Kimber and I guess my ears aren't sophisticated enough cause I couldn't tell the different even hardcore A/B testing 10 second segments.
And I was trying so hard to discern differences- how is that enjoyable?
My equipment is worth so little that if I pay more than 10% of it's cost in cabling, it's not worth it to me. I'd just buy better equipment.
Monoprice and Tartan may not be pretty, but it works.
Feb 12, 2013 at 2:37 PM Post #24 of 26
I disagree. I feel that returns are diminished when you eventually spend close to 100$+ for cables.  Similar to most things.
I've heard and owned a few Monster Cables, Blue Jeans, Audioquest, Kimber and I guess my ears aren't sophisticated enough cause I couldn't tell the different even hardcore A/B testing 10 second segments.
And I was trying so hard to discern differences- how is that enjoyable?
My equipment is worth so little that if I pay more than 10% of it's cost in cabling, it's not worth it to me. I'd just buy better equipment.
Monoprice and Tartan may not be pretty, but it works.

agreed. I've only used crappy media bridge and freaking Best Buy cables so far. I actually do need to get a pair of NICE rca interconnectors... as I do notice some crakcle with my dt 880s on my tube... still though
I like mono price... cheap and it sounds sufficent! Looking at monprice rca interconnectors atm :D
Feb 13, 2013 at 8:09 AM Post #26 of 26
I think you'll be quite satisfied with the Monoprice RCAs.
If you really want to get the classy version.  Get 2 digital Coax and use them as RCAs!

xD If i ever get a turn table I'll do that ;3

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