Mono Hymn To The Immortal Wind

Dec 27, 2009 at 3:08 AM Post #16 of 20
Burial at Sea/Everlasting Light for me. Went to see them when they came here earlier this year, was awesome.
Dec 27, 2009 at 3:12 AM Post #17 of 20

Originally Posted by RedSky0 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Burial at Sea/Everlasting Light for me. Went to see them when they came here earlier this year, was awesome.

I gotta listen to it more to get my final favorite, but my other my left side of my iem went out
and that's the song i listened to the most
Dec 27, 2009 at 9:41 AM Post #18 of 20

Originally Posted by jonhapimp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Has anybody listened/heard the album?
I think it sounds amazing, your thoughts

Recording quality?

Music quality?
Sort of, but not really.

Picked it up by pure chance a while ago now, haven't spun it much.

This kind of thing (experimenting with walls of sound) really needs fantastic recording quality becuase the musical quality is already at a severe limitation due to the nature of pieces which are almost crescendocore-esque at times as well as intervalic (with the interval between the guitar and the lowest pitch being largely responsible for the sound).

I mean, it sounds kind of "nice" (which is essentially the goal of the album), however I could pick romantic piece x and find a nicer chord progression, and pick y psytrance/goa and find more interesting experimentations with sound.

This is one for the hipsters (the people who like it because its obscure, not because it is good), IMO.

The ablum doesn't offer anything particularly noteworthy or unique... Probably a 6.2/10 from me.

Bit of a dud to be honest, I was expecting better from a band I was previously fairly interested in from you are there in 2008.
Dec 27, 2009 at 10:19 PM Post #19 of 20

Originally Posted by MrGreen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Recording quality?

Music quality?
Sort of, but not really.

Picked it up by pure chance a while ago now, haven't spun it much.

This kind of thing (experimenting with walls of sound) really needs fantastic recording quality becuase the musical quality is already at a severe limitation due to the nature of pieces which are almost crescendocore-esque at times as well as intervalic (with the interval between the guitar and the lowest pitch being largely responsible for the sound).

I mean, it sounds kind of "nice" (which is essentially the goal of the album), however I could pick romantic piece x and find a nicer chord progression, and pick y psytrance/goa and find more interesting experimentations with sound.

This is one for the hipsters (the people who like it because its obscure, not because it is good), IMO.

The ablum doesn't offer anything particularly noteworthy or unique... Probably a 6.2/10 from me.

Bit of a dud to be honest, I was expecting better from a band I was previously fairly interested in from you are there in 2008.

Well i respect your opinion, but i don't see where they were experimenting with there sound, this is my first album by them so they could have changed from they're previous album but every band has to change sometime
Jan 8, 2010 at 9:11 PM Post #20 of 20

Originally Posted by MrGreen /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Since i now have my back up iems i can see what your saying about the recording quality but it's still an great album

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