Mobile device that can stream primarily, but sound as good as AK300?
Nov 14, 2016 at 5:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1

English John

New Head-Fier
Nov 14, 2016
I have just found this forum on portable music, wow! I come from a traditional home HIFi background, so this is all mind boggling. I hope you kind folk can enlighten my confused mind, and provide some possible solutions to my problem.
I recently listened to an Astel l and Kern AK300, with B&W P7 headphones . I was blown away by the quality of sound.
As a result of this, I have started to look at a player buy to replace how I currently listen to music, when I cannot listen to my HiFi at home.
The problem I have is that I cannot see the a product available in the UK that that will do everything that I do now, but with the improved sound quality of the AK300 (or AK70)
 I want to listen to both streamed music from my Tidal HiFi subscription and BBC programmes.
I currently use an android phone,  using  wifi  and downloaded files.
  1. Tidal HiFi subscription when in wifi area, and downloaded to phone lossless Albums from tidal when not in wifi
  2. BBC radio programmes downloaded to Phone (so can listen outside of wifi)
  3. FLAC files saved to the device, for my old music

I tend to use my Tidal subscription to listen to new music, and have only bought a CD once since subscribing 2 years ago, so it really works for me.
So however many reviews of the AK70 and AK300 I read, it seems like streaming is an afterthought that is not fully thought out. I also cannot find anyone commenting on the sound quality of the streaming.
Can anyone recommend a portable set up that will work for me?
My budget is up to the £750
Many Thanks

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