mm/mc preamp/ headamp combo for hd600 and vpi turntable
Dec 23, 2009 at 6:14 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Dec 8, 2009
I am brand-spanking new to the head-fi forum. And now for the obligatory "ouch, my wallet."

I want to set up a phono/amp/ headamp system and I have a pair of HD600s and a VPI hw-19 mk iii turntable (on the way). The VPI has an Audio Technica OCC cartridge.

I'm looking for an mm/mc preamp/ headamp combo and I'm not wedding to tube or solid state at this point. It can be integrated or separate so as long as I don't break the bank. I'd rather good than cheap, but I don't want to spend more than $750 all together because I'm still new to all of this and might want to trade/ upgrade later.

I just want something that's going to sound good and match well.

What would you all recommend? Thanks ahead of time for your input.
Dec 23, 2009 at 6:20 PM Post #2 of 7
Dec 23, 2009 at 6:53 PM Post #3 of 7
the marantz is a nice piece, but has an mm-only phono board. the oc-9 is a low output mc.

you would need a step-up of some kind for that cart to work with this amp.
Dec 23, 2009 at 7:03 PM Post #4 of 7
This is true. I might go for separate components.

fzman, would you recommend a moon lp3 and creek ob-11 together (for instance looking at your inventory)? Or am I just mismatching gear at this point?

Let's hypothetically move the price ceiling to $1000.
Dec 26, 2009 at 4:22 PM Post #6 of 7
Both the Outlaw and the Marantz look great. I'll take a look at them again when I'm looking to expand. I'm now beginning to realize that you have to try things out, trade or sell and then settle on something you like. It takes a lot of research, but thank (insert the name of your higher power here) that this head-fi forum exists.

I picked up a little dot mkII and a Sim Audio LP3 for great prices on the 'gon (I believe just below $500 with shipping). I'll let everything settle for a bit before I make any moves in haste.

Thanks for the input guys. Truly invaluable.
Dec 26, 2009 at 5:29 PM Post #7 of 7
don't know the little dot, but the LP3 is a fine phono preamp- good choice! sorry for the lag, I moved a few weeks ago, and am still digging out!

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