Meze Audio 109 Pro

Sep 17, 2022 at 10:27 PM Post #316 of 4,052
I really like @Currawong’s and his reviews, one of my favorite. I don’t mind blog reviews or reviews here by a few. There was a different guy who did reviews that maybe had a reference to rock or metal in his name. I don’t mean the metal371 or whatever the name is, not a bad reviewer, my ears never agreed with his reviews but again he’s pretty great if you like same tuning.
Sep 17, 2022 at 11:24 PM Post #317 of 4,052
Okay, so I've finally had a chance to listen to these at home and I can confirm my impressions from the store still hold true. I have to say, Meze absolutely knocked these out the park. In terms of resolution, I'd honestly put these a tab below the HD 800s from my memory of owning those cans for a couple weeks. These headphones are just so smooth to listen to... These are the perfect complement to my LCD-5's. I'm very happy I pulled the trigger on these.
Sep 17, 2022 at 11:44 PM Post #318 of 4,052
Okay, so I've finally had a chance to listen to these at home and I can confirm my impressions from the store still hold true. I have to say, Meze absolutely knocked these out the park. In terms of resolution, I'd honestly put these a tab below the HD 800s from my memory of owning those cans for a couple weeks. These headphones are just so smooth to listen to... These are the perfect complement to my LCD-5's. I'm very happy I pulled the trigger on these.
Aside from good resolution, what would you say regarding the tuning?
Sep 17, 2022 at 11:49 PM Post #319 of 4,052
Aside from good resolution, what would you say regarding the tuning?
Honestly, the same as my initial impressions post. Definitely V shaped with an emphasis on a strong, punchy bass that doesn't overpower the music being played. The only EQ'ing I've done at this point is a high shelf filter that lowers the amount of treble. I'm also messing with adding a bit of a boost to the mids as well to give the sound a bit more body.
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Sep 18, 2022 at 1:00 AM Post #320 of 4,052
Actually, I may have to take back what I said about the resolution. This actually may be on the same level, if not slightly better than the HD 800s. I'm listening to Michael Jackson's thriller, and I'm hear all the instruments and synths used in each track with as much clarity as I do on my LCD-5's and other summit-fi cans I've used/owned in the past (such as the HE1000se). These headphones are remarkable; I still can't get over how much these cost. Absolutely astonishing.

The large stage really allows for various details in a mix to pop out and be easily discernible.
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Sep 18, 2022 at 3:25 AM Post #323 of 4,052
Im wondering whether this product would be an ugrade coming from dt1990 pro and Elear or more of a sidegrade instead? Note that I personally rate 1990 and Elear equally good.
Sep 18, 2022 at 3:26 AM Post #324 of 4,052
How does anyone determine this.
This is an hard topic.
In my tests and when I’m “on the hunt” I try to focus on the small things, like small sounds in the backgrounds (as how clear and detailed they are), how soon can I hear them, for how long I can hear their fading, etc.
Another good way, for me at least, is how stable and full is a voice on hard singing part.
On some headphones I can hear way more subtle pitch change, more “cracks” and in general it sounds “worse” on live recordings.
A prime example is Opeth’s Ghost of Perdition live at red rocks: it sounds almost perfect on YouTube via my bt headphone (PXC 550 II). The jazzy parts with clean singing are solid, just a little uncertainty but in general pretty good.
On my speaker setup it’s also pretty solid.
On the Arya SE from the Bly ray disc (connected via coax to the K9 pro) it almost makes me cringe… Mike voice crackle all the time, he is out of pitch and also the closure of every phrase is blunt and pitchy.
On the Sundara the results are similar, but not on the same level.
A good studio song to test this is Haken’s The Path. It’s a piano and voice song mostly, and the singing is quite “fragile”.

Not sure if that’s actually a good way to explain what resolution is, but at least it seems to fit.

IMHO not something you want at the level of the Arya SE on every headphone you own.
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Sep 18, 2022 at 10:17 AM Post #325 of 4,052
Honestly, the same as my initial impressions post. Definitely V shaped with an emphasis on a strong, punchy bass that doesn't overpower the music being played. The only EQ'ing I've done at this point is a high shelf filter that lowers the amount of treble. I'm also messing with adding a bit of a boost to the mids as well to give the sound a bit more body.
How can it be “definitely V shaped” and compete with the 800S? And only after you EQ’d them?
Sep 18, 2022 at 10:22 AM Post #326 of 4,052
I think also that equating “resolution” with V Shaped “boom and tizz” is indicative of the usual initial excitement but ultimate short term pleasure. I’m well versed in this 😆
Sep 18, 2022 at 10:28 AM Post #327 of 4,052
How can it be “definitely V shaped” and compete with the 800S? And only after you EQ’d them?
Yes, to be fair, the V shape isn't as drastic as other headphones are (like a Beyerdynamic headphone can be), but I'm hearing small details (such as recording imperfections) that I usually can only hear on my LCD-5 (though not at the same level) and the He1000se when I owned those cans for a period of time. Part of this could also be due to the largeness of the soundstage, but these are definitely more resolving than I was anticipating them being.
Sep 18, 2022 at 11:45 AM Post #328 of 4,052
I'm starting to love the 109's more and more. Out of the box it sounded kinda cold and less vivid but as soon as you keep listening, it gets better and bass improved, treble gets more cheerful and movies sounds better, everything sounds better. Yesterday I tried some scenes from the Top Gun Maverick when the plane engages in scramjet and the 109's makes it a lot joyful.

Meze did a damn good job! Finally some high-end headphones that doesn't cost from 2500 and up, I mean, we already have it bad enough with the inflations and skyrocketed energy bills! Whoever wants a €2000 and up, there is the Liric, Empyrean and Elite for you. This is a reaction to those who thinks the 109 should cost 2500 or more. So, the 109 is probably perfectly and reasonable priced at 799.
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Sep 18, 2022 at 11:53 AM Post #329 of 4,052
Out of the box it sounded kinda cold and less vivid but as soon as you keep listening,
If it was quite cold in the carrier's trunk, where box with headphones were lying it is quite normal they can sound weird when unpacked in home, still having lower temperature than you have in room. Once I had borrowed Fostex TH900 with Dekoni pads, I felt cold touching them (it was winter...), and they were unlistenable out of the box. 2 hours passed, and everything changed, they started to sound much better :wink:
So it is not always the thing of 'headphons brun-in". First of all they should have normal room temperature :D

Btw. I see you have DT800 600Ohm, how would you compare Meze 109 pro to them?
Sep 18, 2022 at 11:57 AM Post #330 of 4,052
I'm starting to love the 109's more and more. Out of the box it sounded kinda cold and less vivid but as soon as you keep listening, it gets better and bass improved, treble gets more cheerful and movies sounds better, everything sounds better. Yesterday I tried some scenes from the Top Gun Maverick when the plane engages in scramjet and the 109's makes it a lot joyful.

Meze did a damn good job! Finally some high-end headphones that doesn't cost from 2500 and up, I mean, we already have it bad enough with the inflations and skyrocketed energy bills! Whoever wants a €2000 and up, there is the Liric, Empyrean and Elite for you. This is a reaction to those who thinks the 109 should cost 2500 or more. So, the 109 is probably perfectly and reasonable priced at 799.

Happy to hear you're enjoying them! And just an FYI, when I said that they should priced higher, I didn't mean that literally lol. I was just trying to convey given how good they sounded, I'd imagine they would be priced more at the $2k-2.5k range, especially given how they sounded to the other cans I directly compared them with. Hopefully more manufacturers will learn from Meze and price their cans lower!

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