Meze Audio 109 Pro

Sep 15, 2022 at 4:16 PM Post #242 of 4,052
Was just thinking about the void they are filling in their product range. I really want my next purchase to be a meze.
Sep 15, 2022 at 4:17 PM Post #244 of 4,052
I don't think the 109 will surpass the 99 in sales but maybe in net profit.
Sep 15, 2022 at 6:46 PM Post #246 of 4,052
Is it 3.5 mm connections on the cups? I have a balanced cable from AudiophileNinja that I used for my returned Sundara that I intended to use with these.

BTW, 700€ are the introduction price, they will probably fall in price over time like most of all headphones, I wouldn't be surprised if they cost around 500€ at the same time next year.
Sep 15, 2022 at 6:52 PM Post #247 of 4,052
Is it 3.5 mm connections on the cups? I have a balanced cable from AudiophileNinja that I used for my returned Sundara that I intended to use with these.

BTW, 700€ are the introduction price, they will probably fall in price over time like most of all headphones, I wouldn't be surprised if they cost around 500€ at the same time next year.
Yeah, dual 3.5mm mono. I used an aftermarket hifiman cable with my Liric before buying the new Meze copper one.
Sep 15, 2022 at 7:22 PM Post #248 of 4,052
Eager to watch Resolve and DMS' review
It seems some of the reviewers I used to watch don't post anymore, and I've tried watching these two, and not my cup of tea; I mean, no offense, but I miss Tyll. He gave the best reviews. With that said, any other reviewers on YouTube that anyone can recommend others I quoted, and please not that Z guy.
Sep 15, 2022 at 7:34 PM Post #249 of 4,052
So tempted to pull the trigger on these. It’d be my first Meze headphones. I currently have the Focal Clear and Hifiman Sundara.
Sep 15, 2022 at 7:38 PM Post #250 of 4,052
Is it 3.5 mm connections on the cups? I have a balanced cable from AudiophileNinja that I used for my returned Sundara that I intended to use with these.

BTW, 700€ are the introduction price, they will probably fall in price over time like most of all headphones, I wouldn't be surprised if they cost around 500€ at the same time next year.
Don't count on a price drop.

Meze's 99 Classics have been $310 since their debut about five or six years ago. Plus, Antonio Meze said in an interview this spring at the Munich High-End Show with DMS from that he likes to keep the price of his cans constant.

That strategy can either penalize the consumer, most of whom are used to price drops over time, or Meze. Antonio admitted that the price of materials for the 99 Classics has increased since 2016, and there is much less margin on the sale of each unit than there was in 2016. Guess it all balances out?
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Sep 15, 2022 at 7:44 PM Post #251 of 4,052
It seems some of the reviewers I used to watch don't post anymore, and I've tried watching these two, and not my cup of tea; I mean, no offense, but I miss Tyll. He gave the best reviews. With that said, any other reviewers on YouTube that anyone can recommend others I quoted, and please not that Z guy.
Yep, Tyll is sorely missed. Any reason you don't like Resolve or DMS? I think they're excellent. Different strokes, I guess.

Other YouTube reviewers I like:
-- The Honest Audiophile
-- Joshua Valour
-- MrAyrit
-- SineCraft Audio
-- Wave Theory
-- Gavin's Gadgets
-- Super*Review (mainly IEMs)
Sep 15, 2022 at 7:45 PM Post #252 of 4,052
It seems some of the reviewers I used to watch don't post anymore, and I've tried watching these two, and not my cup of tea; I mean, no offense, but I miss Tyll. He gave the best reviews. With that said, any other reviewers on YouTube that anyone can recommend others I quoted, and please not that Z guy.

Totally agree. Have seen the video of the two and for my taste it is going in a wrong direction. There were my favorite reviewer, but with the headphoneshow I have the feeling that they aren't independent as before. I think resolves ranking list is really helpful and honest. In general they are honest, but they must represent the insterests of and stay honest. Not easy.

I watched yesterday the Focal Clear OG review of Tyll. It was one of my first serious audiophile headphone review. I bought this year the Focal Clear OG and have to agree to his review. I remember that Tyll made a video of his review routine. That was quiet impressive. He listened always to the same songs to be objective as possible, not like Z.

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Sep 15, 2022 at 7:46 PM Post #253 of 4,052
It seems some of the reviewers I used to watch don't post anymore, and I've tried watching these two, and not my cup of tea; I mean, no offense, but I miss Tyll. He gave the best reviews. With that said, any other reviewers on YouTube that anyone can recommend others I quoted, and please not that Z guy.

Passion for Sound
Sep 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM Post #254 of 4,052
It seems some of the reviewers I used to watch don't post anymore, and I've tried watching these two, and not my cup of tea; I mean, no offense, but I miss Tyll. He gave the best reviews. With that said, any other reviewers on YouTube that anyone can recommend others I quoted, and please not that Z guy.
I can recommend The Honest Audiophile.

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