Mcintosh MVP881 rebadged/modded Denon DVD-A1UDCI?

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Mar 2, 2010 at 10:11 AM Post #16 of 37
we can all just agree that so called high end gear represents incredibly rubbish value for money to the normal hifi fan, but some people do have more money than they know what to do with the lucky bastards - they can't buy ten or a hundred hifis so they buy hifi system separates that cost 10 or a 100 times as much as the budget range like NAD or (less so) cambridge, or somesuch ratio, which offers fractionally better performance than the better 'affordable' hifi gear.

why not, they have the cash. what do you get from rubbishing the sellers of high end gear...anyone here who knows how the market works understands the score and worse things happen than a rich dude getting sold a system that represents rubbish value for money, such as me scraping my knee cap on a desk. ouchies.

Now if you've gone into deep debt buying the gear meant for rich buggers then you're a moron and have failed to grasp reality. It's just not meant for us anymore than a nice rolex is.
Mar 2, 2010 at 9:53 PM Post #18 of 37

Originally Posted by n3rdling /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Another useless speculation thread by SB. Give us internal shots if you want to make a point. Pasting image links to the back panels of two pieces of gear proves absolutely nothing. I could have a back panel made with all the same connections as those two and have an empty box inside; does this mean my box is a rebadge? I highly doubt you know what that word even means.

He's not trying to say it is "merely a rebadge", but that McIntosh is lying when it says they don't share some of the same design.

McIntosh: There is no connection between this player and the denon player.
SB: There is a connection between this player and the denon player.
Half the people on this thread: What's ur point?
Mar 2, 2010 at 10:36 PM Post #19 of 37

Originally Posted by haloxt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He's not trying to say it is "merely a rebadge", but that McIntosh is lying when it says they don't share some of the same design.

McIntosh: There is no connection between this player and the denon player.
SB: There is a connection between this player and the denon player.
Half the people on this thread: What's ur point?

The only information about this so called "lie" has been plastered across the internet by the same "SB" that's posting here. Where's the link to the official McIntosh statement claiming there are no shared parts or designs between the Denon player and the McIntosh player? Yeah they do share components, but they've haven't lied if no such statement has been issued, hence the "They're owned by the same parent company, you'd expect them to share designs, what's your point?" argument.
Mar 2, 2010 at 10:37 PM Post #20 of 37
I don't see any problem pointing out these things, particularly the fact that Mcintosh don't seem to be entirely forthcoming with the truth. Keep them coming SB IMO. Although I'm not sure the sound science is the most suitable section.
Mar 2, 2010 at 10:51 PM Post #21 of 37
Except for the fact that he's intentionally defaming McIntosh? Conjuring up false statements and publishing them across every single audio forum across the web is libel and he's lucky McIntosh hasn't pressed charges for defamation, especially since he posts with his actual name and not under the condition of anonymity. If it were true that McIntosh issued this statement, yeah his post would be fine. But if he could, you'd think he'd offer some kind of proof in at least one of the dozen forums he's posted this topic in.
Mar 3, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #23 of 37
I looked at half a dozen forums where Steve Bruzonsky started the same thread and haven't read anyone asking where he got the statement except on this forum by you, skyline889.

Anyway, I think it's good SB is bringing up what high-end cd players are based on, if only to help DIY'ers know what is a good modding platform.
Mar 3, 2010 at 1:02 AM Post #24 of 37

Originally Posted by SB /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But mcintosh and its dealer networks outright lied when they said that the players had no connections.

-DAC's are the same.
-Video processor is the same.
-DSP is the same.
-HDMI and anything digital are the same.

I expect that mcintosh swapped out the power supply for some ancient design and same with the analog outputs and with anything high end I doubt this will make any difference, especially in the power supply section.

What a moron. Ancient design? I suppose all linear, quiet PSUs are ancient and much inferior to their modern switching equivalents? And of course anyone who even considers using the analog outputs on this is so far behind the times that there is no hope for them, cuz HDMI with the video clocks, noise etc. running right by the audio ones is where its at. :rofl:
Mar 3, 2010 at 2:46 PM Post #25 of 37
I really don,t think that McIntosh would outright lie like that since every review of these players reveal the source of the Transports and Lasers.And that is the only thing that is outsourced in any of our Disc players.......... THX Jim
Mar 3, 2010 at 9:18 PM Post #26 of 37

Originally Posted by haloxt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
He's not trying to say it is "merely a rebadge", but that McIntosh is lying when it says they don't share some of the same design.

Then he should use an appropriate thread title.
Mar 3, 2010 at 11:58 PM Post #30 of 37
It's not inappropriate n3rdling. The words rebadge and modded overlap in car and in audio.

skyline889, since you finally brought up the issue, it would be nice if SB answered it. Whether or not he will we have yet to see, but it doesn't matter much to me given all the mudslinging everyone is doing, people aren't actually interested in the topic.

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