Making Friends
Jan 6, 2010 at 7:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 23, 2008
A little background here. I do have friends, a few anyway. But what with people moving away, growing apart, etc. my network of friends is growing smaller. I'm down to three actual friends left, one of whom is busy with her boyfriend 90% of the time. This wouldn't be so bad. I can and have been perfectly content with just one or two friends. The big problem is that my life practically revolves around one of them, my best friend, who it's pathetically obvious I'm in love with. He knows this, as he kind of forced me into talking about it, having already caught on. And there was about a month there where he kind of left me hanging not knowing exactly what was what. The night we talked about it, he slept over (in my bed to boot) and we kind of fell asleep talking.. which meant that we were both only kind of half there. So when I asked him what he thought about this or how he felt about it (like if he felt the same), his answer was very vague and essentially "I don't know, I'm not sure yet".

So on New Year's Day, everything finally came to a head and I got past my usual avoidance of dealing and blew up at him and told him just to give me an answer so I can get past the whole thing. He was under the impression he already had. So it seems that it was a misunderstanding and a lack of communication that had me going crazy for almost a month. He apologized and blamed himself for the whole thing, though we both couldn't stop laughing after I got done yelling, lol. He says he's straight, so that's the end of that. We should be able to just go back to being friends the way things were, right? But everything just feels weird now. So I took a few days, kind of went on a break from him, which he wasn't crazy about, but supported anyway. That lasted about three days, at which point I thought that was enough, and broke the silence. Now I wish I hadn't. I don't know what the hell happened, but I think I broke it. I still basically feel the same way about him, but in a way I kind of hate him too. Not for not being what I want, but because recently, he does not seem at all like the person I've known. Him joining the marines has also been a major strain on our friendship, as I am rather anti-violence and all he can talk about is the cool ways he's going to kill people. Or the ways he can get a medal of honor, most of which involve him getting killed. :\

So it's become very clear recently that I need some more friends. Even he agrees with me on that, since he's not going to be around here much longer. I appreciate that he's been a reliable friend to me, that he didn't freak out when he found out how I felt and all that. I think it's nice that we can put up with each other's crazy **** but lately... I just know I need to get away from him. The way my personality is, I am way too attached to him. And while getting attached isn't a bad thing, getting attached to unavailable people who's views and way of life now completely conflict with yours probably is. Sometimes I kind of wish he'd get sick of me and end it to save me the trouble and guilt of having to.

So that brings me to where I am now. I don't know how to make friends. I really don't. Most of the friends I've ever had (and that's still not a ton) have been happy accidents. One girl, I worked with for a while at a very small business where we were both basically at the same desk most of the day. Another friend, female, I actually knew from online and somehow ended up hanging out. She later introduced me to her guy friend who was my best friend for a long time before moving away. The girl from work introduced me to her best friend, who introduced me to her (at the time) boyfriend who is now the best friend I speak of. Long story short, every single one of these involved minimal effort on my part. Even with the best friend, he offered to give me a ride home one day which is how we hit it off. Times in the past where I have actually tried to make friends, it was always a total failure. I would ask people what they were doing, if they wanted to hang out sometime, etc. and they would either seem uncomfortable or just be perpetually busy. Granted, I probably only asked once or twice but I don't want to be a pest.

The friends I do have seem to think I'm pretty awesome, lol. Yeah, I'm a bit weird at times, goofy as all hell. But I'm fun and witty and all that. So not sure why it's so hard for me to make friends, aside from just generally not opening up to people well. So how do you guys do it? How do you make new friends?

(If this post says anything, it might be that being extremely long-winded at times does not help.)
Jan 6, 2010 at 7:55 PM Post #2 of 21
I have no idea what to say about your best friend/crush.

But if you want to meet more people, get involved. Go to a Head-Fi meet or organize one (
), join social groups, take up a new hobby, take classes at the community college, volunteer, or become a "regular" at a bar you like. Then just let things happen. You will meet people and make friends.

Over the past year, I started turning into a regular at a favorite bar. I've got another group of friends there now. Recently, I started riding a motorcycle. I've met lots of people that way, too.

So pick something you enjoy or feel strongly about. Volunteer at the animal shelter, join the Elks, take up tennis at the public courts, whatever. Common activities give you an easy way to start a conversation. You can take it from there.
Jan 6, 2010 at 8:01 PM Post #3 of 21
He's not your best friend. He's just a guy you like who doesn't mind the attention.

Don't feel bad, straight guys sometimes do the same thing and have platonic man crushes.

I don't think I'm good at making friends. I'm certain i'm no good at maintaining strained friendships. And yet i have a friend whom I've known for 23 years, who insists that I'm far better at it than he is, and i spend far more time out of the house doing things with friends than he does.

And i have 3, maybe four friends. That i regularly see in person, anyway. I have a few internet friends that i see in person every few years, and several internet friends that i've never met and may never meet.

Hint: High post count on head-fi probably equates to low friend count in meat space.
Jan 6, 2010 at 8:17 PM Post #4 of 21
Also, don't feel like you have to have a best friend. Just make sure that the friends you do have are good friends.

I'm a disinterested party who doesn't know you or anyone you know, so I have the luxury of objectivity about the situation. It's bad for you - bad for your self image and psychological health - to keep pining after someone who just isn't interested in the same kind of relationship you are.

Being isolated sucks. Most of us have been there one time or another. But sometimes it's worth it, for a little while, if you can get something out of it.

He's joining the marines and going away. It's gonna be lousy for a while, but it'll give you a chance to rediscover your sense of self, and that will pay off in the long term.
Jan 6, 2010 at 8:22 PM Post #5 of 21

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have no idea what to say about your best friend/crush.

But if you want to meet more people, get involved. Go to a Head-Fi meet or organize one (
), join social groups, take up a new hobby, take classes at the community college, volunteer, or become a "regular" at a bar you like. Then just let things happen. You will meet people and make friends.

Over the past year, I started turning into a regular at a favorite bar. I've got another group of friends there now. Recently, I started riding a motorcycle. I've met lots of people that way, too.

So pick something you enjoy or feel strongly about. Volunteer at the animal shelter, join the Elks, take up tennis at the public courts, whatever. Common activities give you an easy way to start a conversation. You can take it from there.

just go out and let it happen, they're alot of places to make friends
Jan 6, 2010 at 8:28 PM Post #6 of 21

Originally Posted by jonhapimp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
just go out and let it happen, they're alot of places to make friends

A lot of people have trouble making the shift from casual acquaintence to friend.

I've not kept a single friend that I've made at a job. Ever. I feel bad about it, but there it is. There are some I'd like to have as friends, but without the context of the working relationship i could never figure it out.

18 months or so back my friends got me into bowling. I've met a lot of people bowling, and they remain people that i see at the bowling alley.

I have no advice regarding this issue, of course.

Sometimes it's like lou reed said.


You know, some people got no choice
And they can never find a voice
To talk with that they can even call their own
So the first thing that they see
That allows them the right to be
Why they follow it, you know, it's called bad luck.

Jan 6, 2010 at 10:34 PM Post #8 of 21
I have a few friends but not many. The ones that I do have are for real. High friend count does not mean high quality friend count. Don't beat yourself up over this....Rick
Jan 7, 2010 at 11:38 PM Post #9 of 21
I have always been a man of few but close friends. I have 7 close friends, and i'd say 15 more whom are in my circle of friends, but closer friends with my other 7 close friends thus thru time they have become friends with me.

I have lived in a few different areas and times in life, and when i started to make close friends was high school, then college, then work after college, then moving to another area to work, ect.

You collect friends throughout your life and you don't need to see them every day or even ever week for someone to be a close friend. Distance is closed with telephone, internet and travel so keep that in mind and keep in touch with friends you care about no matter how far away they are!

Hope this helped a little, I've always been someone who had a hard time making friends but to me that means the friends i do make and have are that much more important and special to me because i know why they are my friends.
Jan 7, 2010 at 11:45 PM Post #10 of 21
I don't have that many freinds but to be honest I have so many hobbies and things I am interested I enjoy time by myself a lot. Anyway friends are good though....ericj will you be my friend?
Jan 8, 2010 at 12:20 AM Post #11 of 21
I have alot of friends that i hardly see. Some have moved far away, and we keep in touch, but its not like we can go hang out anymore, play darts,pool, go shooting, and all the other stuff we used to do.

I think maybe you got so "into" your friend that maybe you didnt realize you distanced yourself from your other friends and drifted apart some.
Sometimes we do things without even realizing it.

I dont know what the heck RVA stands for....but if its a really small town, maybe you need to move somewhere more pupulated, and with more of your kind of people that you can more relate to.

Buy more headphones!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

If there are large Head-Fi meets by you, and often enough, you may meet some friends there. I dont know if youll meet a partner there, but you may get friends.

Try also MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. and meet some locals.

Did i say buy headphones yet?

And amps, sources, stands, CDs, records, ummm...yeah thats it!!!
Jan 8, 2010 at 1:20 AM Post #12 of 21

Originally Posted by kshelton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't have that many freinds but to be honest I have so many hobbies and things I am interested I enjoy time by myself a lot. Anyway friends are good though....ericj will you be my friend?

You know i keep wishing there were enough head-fi folk on the wasatch front to have a meet, but i just don't see it happening.

There are like four of us.
Jan 8, 2010 at 2:49 AM Post #14 of 21
I have a lot of friends and having no problem making friends because I am polite and mentally hilarious (but I swear its just because I have a rockin' bod.). There's only a few people I consider my "best" friends.

Getting that next step is the tricky part.
Jan 8, 2010 at 3:32 AM Post #15 of 21

Originally Posted by ericj /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You know i keep wishing there were enough head-fi folk on the wasatch front to have a meet, but i just don't see it happening.

There are like four of us.

Actually I have seen at least 10 now. We should do it!

Look its like magic is happening right in this thread!

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