Making a Headphone Company[What do you want?]
Oct 29, 2016 at 3:21 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Jun 17, 2016
       So, i'm pretty dead set on starting an online business selling headphones that I design. At the moment I'm having to outsource for drivers (Audio-Technica in specific) and i'm using OpenSCAD to make the models as well as SketchUp. SketchUP is what I'm using to make a headband because OpenSCAD and non primitive shapes get... Complicated, to say the least. 
      These headphones will be somewhat unique. Essentially, you'll be able to easily modify them and uh... Do THINGS with them. I can't give away too, too much. I've got two base models, Open and Semi-Open using the A1000Z driver. I don't have a prototype yet but this is just what i've got going so far. I need help finding some dampening material that maintains bass (felt/not very porous foam) and what you DISLIKE most about any headphones you purchase. These cans i've predicted to be and hopefully won't have sell for more than $200. The ATH-A1000Z is about three to four hundred dollars so and from my understanding is very musical. Deep, thumpy bass yet retains an essence of warmth and vocal clarity. Just waiting for A-T to get back to me about commercial use of their drivers.
To all my DIY-ers out there, you're an asset to me.
To all my general consumers, you're an asset to me.
To all my audiophiles that may take things too seriously, you're an asset to me as well.
If you have an answer to any of the following, precede your statements with the corresponding number, please. 
To know list
1) What do you NOT want to see, what do you dislike about stock headphones.
2) What do you WANT to see from a new headphone company (i'm 17, can't go full blown audiophile or throwing out math equations. I'm dyslexic as well, keep it simple dudez).
3) What kind of cable do you want to see? Is non removable okay? I ask because it's just less time and money. I don't want to charge twenty extra dollars for the time and effort to fiddle around in these things, regardless if they're meant to be tinkered with. I will make removable cable versions if it's in demand so, calmth thou selves. 
4) Do you want to see decent quality stock pads? or are you willing to pay a premium for aftermarket pads. What I might have to do is send just the headphones, no headphone pads or anything. This is okay for the general audiophile and tinker-er..errrrr but not so good considering my "They're just headphones that sound great" goal to appeal to the general consumer won't fly if the general consumer has to buy pads.
5) Okay, now listen closely... I'm a total newbie. I know how to make the model for these things and have a rough idea of how they may sound BUT if you have any resources that may inform me as to what kind of things promote bass response, mids and highs, i'd appreciate it. I know an open back will promote a more open, natural sound and depending on how it's implemented, you could get an HD558 warm sound (mine are modified with HM5 pads and 3D printed adapters), or an ATH-AD2000X sound where bass sounds like treble. 
7) I'd like to retain the A1000Z's sound signature but with a more open design, what are some general ideas as to how I should go about doing that; Dampening material, any similar headphone designs I could use as a point of reference? My inspirations have been from the newer, upper range of Focal Spirit's headphones
8) Any of my manufacturing and machining enthusiasts know the best way to go about making a sliding/locking system for a headband? For the sake of time and funds, I want to keep it simple. I don't know if i'm going with a thermo-formed plastic or springy metal. 
I've got a good idea as to how these are going to look, sound, be made, put together BUT that doesn't mean it's the best, hence my 8 point list of questions. 
Some stuff so you can know who you're dealing with.
I've got a lot of crazy ideas for several series of headphones but getting THE MOST out of a driver and getting THE sound everyone lloooohooouuveess is daunting and discouraging. I'm currently trying to obtain an apprenticeship that may or may not assist my knowledge in manufacturing headphone drivers and may or may not be able to get a not well off 17 year old on his feet with selling headphones as a good paying part-time job. 
-I've got earbuds in the works and several other things. I'm currently being hit with business opportunities, entrepreneurial pools of info i'm diving into, colleges, two YouTube channels, this headphone stuff, school, edislxya (dyslexia) ruining every ACT/SAT score I could dream of which is a different story. Short version: I finished half of each section and got about 90% of those halves correct. I have no capital and i'm HOPING this apprenticeship which just so happens to pay decently will be something I can get into.

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