Looking to upgrade setup, Sennheiser HD-555 + X-Fi, hifi newbie needs help
Dec 21, 2009 at 9:33 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Dec 20, 2009
Hi all

I am looking to upgrade my PC listening setup - Sennheiser HD-555 plugged to a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi.

I have been reading these forums and elsewhere, but since I'm not exactly very familiar with the audio stuff, all this talk about DAC's, headphone amps and whatnot has just made me more and more confused.

Put in plain terms, I am looking to spend a few hundred - maybe 100 to 400 euros, or possibly up to 600'ish but would prefer less - on better gear, but I have no idea what I should be looking at.

Since I'm an avid gamer, I don't think I want to get a new soundcard - which also has been suggested around here - so I was looking at perhaps getting some HD-600's or 650's, but after reading about ohms and all that fancy stuff, I am not so sure if that's the best way to go - I'm worried my soundcard is not adequate to drive those beasts.

Do any of you smart people around here have any advice for a commoner such as myself, who is looking to get some more enjoyment out of his music, movie and game collection?

Dec 21, 2009 at 9:57 PM Post #3 of 13
Hey there forciano, as said, a few hundred - so that would probably start from 100 and maybe up to 400. Might go up to around 600, but would prefer less
Euro is the monetary unit.
Dec 22, 2009 at 1:29 AM Post #4 of 13
Well I had your exact same setup HD 555 and x-fi sound card, and to me there is no better sound card with better positional sound for headphones than the x-fi cards.

If you buy an expensive headphone you will require an amplifier that matches well with them.

In my experience switching from the hd555 to the hd 650, I instantly got more detail and soundstage, but the headphones are not that strong in the bass department (you may want that for better immersion on certain games).

I woudnt dare pick a headphone and amp for you since i dont know your particular audio tastes but I'm very happy with my hd 650, even though I might buy another pair of expensive headphones just to have something with a different audio signature.
Dec 22, 2009 at 7:30 AM Post #5 of 13
Thanks, I think I'll see if the local hifi stores have anything to offer - listening or such - to better test out the stuff. In my experience the HD-555 do decent bass if you just crank it up from the soundcard, so I'd assume the 650's would be a step to the better direction with that regard. I do quite like the clear sound of the HD-555's compared to some of its closed counterparts which I did not enjoy quite as much - though that could be different with higher quality closed headphones.
Dec 22, 2009 at 8:02 AM Post #6 of 13
Man, the 555's are some of the worst headphones I've heard in that price range.

The one redeeming quality that I picked up on was pretty open sound with nice depth that wasn't quite present on my DT770s. In every other category though the Beyers were far better. Maybe check out the DT880, the open back version in the DT line.
Dec 22, 2009 at 10:09 AM Post #7 of 13
Thanks for the suggestion, Operandi. The availability of some makes is a bit poor here so I haven't been able to do much research on alterantives, however I shall see if I can find the ones you speak of
Dec 22, 2009 at 5:35 PM Post #9 of 13
Thanks for your suggestion regarding 595's, but I do wonder whether it's worth my investment - I'm of course only guessing from the price - but the price of 595's is not much higher than 555's.
Dec 22, 2009 at 7:13 PM Post #10 of 13

Originally Posted by Yrokam /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for your suggestion regarding 595's, but I do wonder whether it's worth my investment - I'm of course only guessing from the price - but the price of 595's is not much higher than 555's.

I agree with yrokam here, he needs a real upgrade to his headphones, i dont think going from the 555 to 595 is much of an upgrade since they are almost the same headphone anyways.
Dec 26, 2009 at 9:55 PM Post #11 of 13
Looking at some Meier Audio Corda headphone amps now. Probably won't have a chance to listen to them at any shop, but I keep hearing good things about them.

Also checking out AKG 701 K's. Little cheaper than HD-650's, anyone got any experience? Less of impendance too, 62 ohms, but people still seem to recommend a headphone amp for them as well.

edit: actually I'm finding lot of stuff on k 701 vs 650 already.
Dec 27, 2009 at 2:16 PM Post #12 of 13
Listened to the HD-650's and K 701's today at a hifi-shop. I have to say I liked 650's bassier nature, but that could be just because I'm used to how the 555's sound. K 701's had a much cleaner sound though.

The guy at the shop recommended ProJect Head Box II amp/usb soundcard for the K 701's if I wanted to connect them to my PC. He hadn't heard of Corda's or the Heed CanAmp, and wasn't really able to tell what kind of a difference they would have compared to this. I do have to note that the Head Box II was just around 110 eur compared to CanAmp's 380'ish

I was wondering would it be beneficial to get a separate DAC? For example something inexpensive like the Zero? Would that make for better listening experience paired with the CanAmp or the Head Box II?

edit: I'm leaning towards the K 701 as I found a shop which has a really good deal for them. Also thinking I'll just get the Head Box II for starters - I think it'll sound better for my un-trained ears, and I can always upgrade/get rid of it later
Jan 8, 2010 at 1:24 PM Post #13 of 13
Let's hope there are no rules here against posting.. thrice in a row. I promise this is the last one!

I bought the AKG K 701's and the Head Box II. Even out of the box without burning the headphones in, they do sound better than my old HD-555 - I can pick up a lot of detail that just wasn't there in the 555's.

Still on the edge regarding a separate DAC - Looked at Beresford TC-7510, which seemed to have pretty good reviews and be reasonably priced for my starter level needs.

The desire to buy the Heed CanAmp is lurking around too - Decisions about it shall be made perhaps later this year

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