Looking for iPhone 3GS Remote Adapter for my Q-Jays...
Dec 21, 2009 at 10:21 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
May 27, 2008
So I bought a pair of q-Jays about 2 years ago...and absolutely love them to death. But I recently got an iPhone, and it is getting very annoying to unplug them every time someone calls me while I am listening to music.

I am looking for something that I can plug into my q-Jays (they split in the middle), that will add the iPhone remote functionality (play, pause, next/prev trak), volume, and microphone.

I've looked high and low, and most adapters can either do the control aspect, because they are designed to work with the iPod Shuffle 3rd Gen (a la Belkin Headphone Adapter, tapStick, iLuv), or the microphone aspect cause they are designed for the original iPhone (a la Monster, Shure).

Does anyone have any suggestions???

If not, what do you recommend as a good dual driver IEM with the full iPhone remote+volume+mic functionality built-in? I've sene the Dr. Dre's, which I think is overpriced, the Apple In-Ear, and the Klipsch...but other than Apple's not sure if any of them are dual driver.


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