Nov 13, 2014 at 5:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


Apr 18, 2011
I've spent countless hours trying to figure out the best bluetooth headphones for the gym.  I recognize that the sound quality for bluetooth headphones isn't going to be great but I am looking for ones with good sound quality.  I prefer bass, recessed mids and highs, and a decent soundstage.  Basically along with the sound quality, I am looking for loudness, decently comfortable, and bluetooth technology that's good enough that it doesn't cut out. I don't care how it charges or if people around me can hear what I listen to. I don't care if it looks cool. Battery life is always nice but as long as it can make it a few hours at a time that's good enough. Earbuds aren't my preference but as long as they stay in and are comfortable, that would be fine.  I've had the Sony DR-BT140Q since 2009.  They are really comfortable and have good functionality however the sound quality isn't too good.  The bass bottoms out and overall it's just not great.  I recently purchased 66 Audio BTS due to the volume of good reviews on amazon and other sites.  I've been very underwhelmed with them so far.  I played a pink noise track on repeat for days which helped a little but the sound is hollow and just not that good.  I downloaded the Denon EQ amp which also helped a little but my biggest complaint is that they just aren't very loud.  With the volume completely maxed, it's just not that loud and that's a deal breaker.  I've looked at the Bluebird, Denon Exercise Freak, BlueAnt Pump, Able Planet true fidelity, and many many more.  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Thank you
Nov 13, 2014 at 7:28 PM Post #2 of 8
I've spent countless hours trying to figure out the best bluetooth headphones for the gym.  I recognize that the sound quality for bluetooth headphones isn't going to be great but I am looking for ones with good sound quality.  I prefer bass, recessed mids and highs, and a decent soundstage.  Basically along with the sound quality, I am looking for loudness, decently comfortable, and bluetooth technology that's good enough that it doesn't cut out. I don't care how it charges or if people around me can hear what I listen to. I don't care if it looks cool. Battery life is always nice but as long as it can make it a few hours at a time that's good enough. Earbuds aren't my preference but as long as they stay in and are comfortable, that would be fine.  I've had the Sony DR-BT140Q since 2009.  They are really comfortable and have good functionality however the sound quality isn't too good.  The bass bottoms out and overall it's just not great.  I recently purchased 66 Audio BTS due to the volume of good reviews on amazon and other sites.  I've been very underwhelmed with them so far.  I played a pink noise track on repeat for days which helped a little but the sound is hollow and just not that good.  I downloaded the Denon EQ amp which also helped a little but my biggest complaint is that they just aren't very loud.  With the volume completely maxed, it's just not that loud and that's a deal breaker.  I've looked at the Bluebird, Denon Exercise Freak, BlueAnt Pump, Able Planet true fidelity, and many many more.  Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!
Thank you

Do you have a price range or budget in mind? That would make it easier to recommend :)
Nov 13, 2014 at 8:38 PM Post #4 of 8
Thanks for the response! I would say $200 is my ceiling, but I'm not against paying much less if it's worth it!

That is definitely helpful and you're welcome!
I will suggest some headphones that cover the entire spectrum and that are popular:
1. Kinivo BTH240(25 dollars)
Fudge all that. I just noticed that my top recommendation is on sale. The only Bluetooth pair you need is the Jaybird Bluebuds X. Normally 180 it is 130 USD now. They come in storm trooper white and a dark color. There are quite a few reviews for it and at this price it is a no brainer.
The reviews speak for themselves. I would buy this myself but being a Canadian aka second class citizen lol they won't ship to me lol
Here are some reviews:
Let me know what you think. With over or on ears you might have to replace the ear pads as they may degrade over time due to sweat and dirt build up.
Nov 14, 2014 at 11:19 AM Post #5 of 8
Thanks for the info!  I'm not sure about the Jaybirds, only because I'm really not a big fan of in-ear headphones in general, and I am also not sure about the controls being on the cord, which rests on your neck.  I'm used to the Sonys, which have the controls on the earpiece.  I am looking into maybe doing more standard-shaped headphones to solve this problem, maybe the Sennheiser MM-400x or the Jabras.  Do you have any experience with any of those?  Do you think they'd be too heavy for gym use?
Nov 15, 2014 at 5:32 AM Post #6 of 8
I've got both the Sony SBH80's and the Plantronics Backbeat Go2's and I can heartily recommend both for active sports use.
Of the two, I'd probably plump for the SBH-80's as they have a 6-7hr battery life and are smaller buds for the ears. That's not to say the Backbeats are not worthy - both sound excellent, but the Backbeats's have a little less bass boost (though the have the edge sound quality wise) and only last for about 3.5 hours.
Fit is comfortable with both, and no amount of running, jumping and knocking will dislodge either.
Both offer great sound quality and decent isolation - especially in noisy environments
they're also both well below your budget
Jun 6, 2015 at 7:52 AM Post #7 of 8
I have had Jaybird for a month. So far it is the best sounding Bluetooth earphone I ever had. I have recently also purchased LG 800 and a Sony 200BT. LG is good for talking and Sony had huge battery life. Compairing to Jaybird, LG just soubds rubbish. Tje recomended Sony sbh 80is also cery poor in soubdstage.

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