looking for a replacement for Etymotic HF3
Oct 7, 2016 at 1:00 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Oct 7, 2016

I've been lurking around reading things on here for some years now, but am new to posting. 

I've had a set of Etymotic HF3 headphones for about 2.5 years now. They were my first real earbud style headphone as previously I was more a fan of full size headphones (AKG K240). But, needed to get something more multipurpose that would have a mic for phone use, be more portable and offer better sound isolation. After much reading and researching I settled on the Etys.
I LOVE these. OK. Maybe not LOVE them, but I really like them. I use them with Shure olive tips, fit perfectly, can totally block out office noise when I’m working (in an open concept office with lots of traffic), and the sound is just what I’m after: detailed and clean without the heavy muddy bass that tends to be the way things sound these days.

So, only problem is, the cord started to fray after about a year and a half. It’s at the point now where I feel like I have to use cotton gloves just to handle them. After reading around, it doesn’t sound like this is an anomaly or that I’m a heavy user and that these are just prone to that. So, I’m faced with either buying a new set of these with the trade-in discount. But I’m not sure I want to have a split cord again in another 18 months. Been thinking about switching it up, but really, I like the sound of these a lot.
Looking to see if anyone else has been in the same situation and what you did? I’m interested in something with a replaceable cord, so have been looking at the Shure 215 or the Westone W10. The Westone is definitely a bit beyond my budget, but I may be convinced if it means having a replaceable cable.
Thoughts or experiences to share? 


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