Looking at AKG K272 HD or K701 to run unamped
Feb 3, 2010 at 10:58 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


New Head-Fier
Oct 15, 2007
I'm trying to find an exceptionally neutral can to fit my budget, and at the moment these two AKG's have caught my attention. My understanding is the K272's can be driven fairly well unamped (well, I'll be using an E1 at least), while the 701's are quite difficult to drive to the best of their ability.

My question is that, if both of these are available (used) at similar prices (~200), then which would sound better straight out of my FiiO E1? I know I wouldn't be taking full advantage of the 701's, but would they still best the 272's?
Feb 3, 2010 at 11:15 AM Post #2 of 8
Both sound at least acceptable unamped (as long as it's a zero ohm plug), so it's primilarily a budget question. If you can afford it, get the K701.
Feb 5, 2010 at 4:30 AM Post #4 of 8
^Thanks, that's definitely good to know.

I'm starting to look at the a bit more at the 242's as well. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm a sucker for looks, and those things look damn sexy.

I like that the 242's are semi-open. My environment allows a bit of sound leakage, but a fully open can like the ad700's for instance would leak to much for me.

One thing that worries me about the 242's though is a potential mid-bass hump, since I'm looking for neutrality. =3&graphID[]=23]HeadRoom's graph of the 240 shows a big change from the 271's in that department, and I'm worried the 242's would have a similar hump. However, this post suggests the 272's are actually heavier on the bass.

Could anyone shed some light on this?
Feb 5, 2010 at 10:02 AM Post #6 of 8

Originally Posted by njackson /img/forum/go_quote.gif
which would sound better straight out of my FiiO E1? I know I wouldn't be taking full advantage of the 701's, but would they still best the 272's?

You sound like the kind of guy that would go to a Gordon Ramsay restaurant and ask for some Enchiladas, with extra cheese.

I say, if you're going to do it, do it the way it ought to be done. Or get a phone that loves being unamped.

Just because I'm in a food analogy mood: A loud button like a Fiio, with those phones, is like smearing BBQ sauce all over a smoked salmon and lobster terrine.
Feb 5, 2010 at 5:35 PM Post #8 of 8
The K271 are sounding quite nice, and are the easiest on the wallet on top of it--I'm nearly ready to pull the trigger.

Drubbing, I totally get what you're saying. I suppose if I love the K271 as much as I'm thinking I will (can't wait to hear those mids), I'll probably eventually pick up a 701 & a nice tube amp when I'm out of school and can actually afford it.

I suppose then I just have one last question: B&H has the K271 MkII for $164, HeadRoom for $169, does that sound like a decent price? Anyone know where they could be had cheaper?

edit: Scratch that, just got an opportunity to get them locally and NIB for $135. Will pick them up tonight!

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