Listener Fatigue

Dec 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM Post #16 of 17
The brain is a calculator and when listening to music it constantly calculates listening impressions from the two sources (the ears) and tries to make music out of it. If one is tired the brain can not compensate and thus does not relax - and you experience listening fatigue. (you need peace)

The better your listening rig and source material is, the closer it is to the real world and it takes less calculating power of the brain to process. That is why I always measure music recordings and head-fi gear in goose-bump-ability. The more goosebumps - the lesser brainactivity - just music and feelings...
Dec 17, 2009 at 4:36 PM Post #17 of 17

Originally Posted by oqvist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And I who think to totally enjoy music you can´t focus on it to hard and dissect it? It depends on how you listen. I guess I have switched camp lately but music is the most enjoyable when you are tired and dumb and just let the music flow

Have we met?

You've somehow managed to describe me to the "T" with three simple words.

I agree that it's oftentimes more enjoyable to "just let the music flow" rather than trying like hell to listen for each and every subtle nuance.

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