Legally Downloadable Binaural recordings links

Mar 16, 2007 at 4:12 PM Post #46 of 270
Thanks for replying.

It think I've got things about these recordings a bit clearer now.

So, suppose I would take someone and stick 2 mics in his ears. (the dummy-head thing) and after recording something I would play whatever was recorded on the left mic in the left channel of my headphone and whatever was recorded on the right mic in the right channel. Would that work? Or would I need a special omni-directional mic for this?

To me it would make sense if this would work since you are recording everything a person can hear with the delay between the ears already recorded.

Also, would it make a difference whose head I would be using for my own experience? Suppose I would take a very small dummy head and my head is twice that size. I guess that would not sound the same as it would when I would be using my own head which is the best for recording everything that I hear because of shape of it and hence the way I perceive sound coming from certain directions. Right?

I am sorry if these questions are getting somewhat tiresome for you, but I would like to try and make some binaural recordings and I would rather do it right (or at least close to right) the first time.

I am going to a meet at the 3rd of June to listen to some ultrasones. Maybe those are going to make some difference as well. We'll see.
Mar 19, 2007 at 9:10 AM Post #48 of 270

Originally Posted by EnOYiN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for replying.

It think I've got things about these recordings a bit clearer now.

So, suppose I would take someone and stick 2 mics in his ears. (the dummy-head thing) and after recording something I would play whatever was recorded on the left mic in the left channel of my headphone and whatever was recorded on the right mic in the right channel. Would that work? Or would I need a special omni-directional mic for this?

It is worth playing around with like you describe.
A cardioid mic would reject sound from the sides and from behind it, so omni-directional is preferred. But, you may get some very satisfactory results from two mics positioned either side of someone's head (or a dummy head). It will possibly miss out on some reflections, though - depends on whether those reflections are an important part of the ambiance.

Originally Posted by EnOYiN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To me it would make sense if this would work since you are recording everything a person can hear with the delay between the ears already recorded.

Yes, at the very least the delay information is included, and that enhances the stereo image hugely. As does the isolation from the head being in the way of the path of sounds coming from more extreme left or right.

Originally Posted by EnOYiN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, would it make a difference whose head I would be using for my own experience? Suppose I would take a very small dummy head and my head is twice that size. I guess that would not sound the same as it would when I would be using my own head which is the best for recording everything that I hear because of shape of it and hence the way I perceive sound coming from certain directions. Right?

I am sorry if these questions are getting somewhat tiresome for you, but I would like to try and make some binaural recordings and I would rather do it right (or at least close to right) the first time.

The head size is not supposed to be as important as the general head shape, and for full HRTF the shoulders and breastplate are figured in as well.

Questions are never tiresome to me! They give me an excuse to write some more! I can use all the practice I can get!

Originally Posted by EnOYiN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am going to a meet at the 3rd of June to listen to some ultrasones. Maybe those are going to make some difference as well. We'll see.

They are very nicely developed (with their S-Logic) to make this kind of listening even more fun and pronounced. It is so cool how many binaurally recorded samples are used in Electronica stuff - it sounds so extremely cool on my Proline 750's!

Mar 19, 2007 at 9:16 AM Post #49 of 270

Originally Posted by mobayrasta /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wow I really like the new stuff.

Cool! Thanks!

Mar 19, 2007 at 2:42 PM Post #50 of 270
Mar 19, 2007 at 7:00 PM Post #51 of 270

Originally Posted by tbritton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They are very nicely developed (with their S-Logic) to make this kind of listening even more fun and pronounced. It is so cool how many binaurally recorded samples are used in Electronica stuff - it sounds so extremely cool on my Proline 750's!

So when are you going to do a giveaway of your 750s?
Mar 19, 2007 at 11:58 PM Post #52 of 270

Originally Posted by lukealexander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
a good download service is:
It is what I always use

That's a very good service! I should use them more to keep my own server cleared up for other stuff.

Originally Posted by EnOYiN /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So when are you going to do a giveaway of your 750s?

Soon! For the most binaural additions having a chicken crowing in it, on a windy day, near a train yard, as the wash goes into spin cycle!

Mar 23, 2007 at 6:13 AM Post #53 of 270

Originally Posted by lukealexander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
a good download service is:
It is what I always use

Oh, drat! I forgot that they have a 30-day download limit, that is, if the file isn't downloaded for thirty days, they delete it.

From their FAQ:
When will my file be deleted?
- All files with no downloads for 30 days will be deleted.

Oh well... I foresee broken-link hell that way. I don't mind serving files from my server - I've hardly touched the 100 gig space as it is.

Apr 24, 2007 at 4:48 AM Post #54 of 270
Don't have the time to listen to any of these right now, but I was blown away the first time I heard a binaural recording (found it on this forum of course). It was the one with the match being lit, I'm sure most of you have heard it as well. Anyway, can't wait to listen to these. Cool thread.
May 1, 2007 at 6:01 AM Post #55 of 270
May 1, 2007 at 7:42 AM Post #56 of 270
May 4, 2007 at 2:06 AM Post #58 of 270
Just to let you know I've added the very funny "Virtual Haircut" contributed by werdwerdus and the gigantic and very high-fidelity field recordings collection from the Orient contributed by kryss to post #1 at the bottom. These are wonderful offerings! Thank you both!

May 12, 2007 at 10:19 PM Post #59 of 270
This is simply a "binaural" search results page of one of my all-time favorite places on the web - Audio is just the tip of the iceberg . . . it's full of public domain Films Noir, old drive-in ads, government propaganda shorts, you name it.
May 13, 2007 at 3:55 PM Post #60 of 270
Wow! This place has a ton of stuff! Great search result page!

As indicated, this is a "within site" search done at on the word "binaural". The site itself has much more to offer than these selections. I've added this reference to post #1. Thanks!



Originally Posted by bebanovich /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is simply a "binaural" search results page of one of my all-time favorite places on the web - Audio is just the tip of the iceberg . . . it's full of public domain Films Noir, old drive-in ads, government propaganda shorts, you name it.


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