cafe zeenuts
100+ Head-Fier
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- Nov 2, 2007
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Before I get to tube rolling, some housekeeping for the LD MK VI.
In order to take full advantage of MK VI here are the following things that are must be done;
1.Replace stock fan to a silent Fan type eg. Noctua 80mm if they’re sounding like an Boeing 747 engine. Fan direction is blowing air up to the amp for best cooling.
2.Isolation feets to further reduce vibration cause by avtive fan. Tube/valves don’t like vibrations, so anything to help reduce any vibration is worth the money. This also raises the height level of the amp and further increase cooling. eg. Vibrapods....
3.Tube dampers: UltraSonic 50 for 5998,6AS7G and UltraSonic 30 for 6SL7.
4.Treatment with Caig Deoxit Gold G100L-2DB for all tube and XLR pins, after pre-treating with DeoxIT D100L-2DB on tube pins.
5.Gain setting on “low” for HD650/600/580, my amp came with factory gain setting on “High”. To set gain setting to low, put all switch to “on” position inside the amp.
(National Union) NU JAN VT229 6SL7GT Gray Glass and Slyvania 6080WC
I first try the NU JAN VT229 with the stock JAN Slyvania 6080WC and didn’t really notice much difference in fact I feel it’s not really a good match at all, it sounded a bit flat.
Mullards 6080 and (National Union) NU JAN VT229 6SL7GT Gray Glass
This combo is bad, small headstage lacks depth and no sense air! Rolled off highs!!!
More tubes are coming my way so stay tune for more tube rolling. This new hobby of tube rolling is very addictive and it’s costing me an arm and a leg!
In order to take full advantage of MK VI here are the following things that are must be done;
1.Replace stock fan to a silent Fan type eg. Noctua 80mm if they’re sounding like an Boeing 747 engine. Fan direction is blowing air up to the amp for best cooling.
2.Isolation feets to further reduce vibration cause by avtive fan. Tube/valves don’t like vibrations, so anything to help reduce any vibration is worth the money. This also raises the height level of the amp and further increase cooling. eg. Vibrapods....
3.Tube dampers: UltraSonic 50 for 5998,6AS7G and UltraSonic 30 for 6SL7.
4.Treatment with Caig Deoxit Gold G100L-2DB for all tube and XLR pins, after pre-treating with DeoxIT D100L-2DB on tube pins.
5.Gain setting on “low” for HD650/600/580, my amp came with factory gain setting on “High”. To set gain setting to low, put all switch to “on” position inside the amp.
(National Union) NU JAN VT229 6SL7GT Gray Glass and Slyvania 6080WC
I first try the NU JAN VT229 with the stock JAN Slyvania 6080WC and didn’t really notice much difference in fact I feel it’s not really a good match at all, it sounded a bit flat.
Mullards 6080 and (National Union) NU JAN VT229 6SL7GT Gray Glass
This combo is bad, small headstage lacks depth and no sense air! Rolled off highs!!!
More tubes are coming my way so stay tune for more tube rolling. This new hobby of tube rolling is very addictive and it’s costing me an arm and a leg!