Originally posted by MD1032
I cannot believe you just said that. You obviously have NO idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry, but I really can't give any credit to that comment. Sure, they're not as good as speakers that are thousands of dollars, but to say it lacks any sort of definition? You have no idea what you're talking about and I shun you for making such a comment? Also, the promedias are probably some of the least boomy of the MM systems I've heard. Where is your reference, your source to this information? Have you ever even OWNED a set of promedia 4.1's? Shame shame shame |
Sorry man, I do have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about. I've heard many variations of the promedia's at my friend's places - and I've lived with a set of Promedia 4.1's, in my room, for over a year. Yes, you heard me right.
No, they're not as good as speakers that cost thousands of dollars- thats a kind of a given. Altec-Lansing's high-end sub is far better, but still not great. A decent pair of bookshelf speakers (costing less than the promedia 4.1 setup) could easily reach as deep as the Promedia sub (which cuts off fairly high in the bass range - deep bass and powerful midbass are two entirely different concepts. Try playing some test tones to see your frequency response peak severly in the midbass (80-150hz ish) and fall off sharply at the low end) - but a good bookshelf speaker (paradigm,psb,b&w) would present the bass in an accurate fashion. If you want some computer speakers that will actually perform decently for music, Altec-Lansing 621's and possibly some Monsoon flatpanels are about your only good choice.
My opinions on this subject are based on hearing many, many computer audio systems (I'm a computer science major, you better believe all my friends have ridiculously large computer setups), many, many consumer grade audio systems (stuff you can buy at Best Buy), and a few really good audio systems (not expensive, good). I also happen to own two pairs of headphones easily considered in the top few in the world (HD600,CD3000), and some decent equipment to drive them. I have a pair of KSC-35's as well.
Believe it or not, I was 15 once (not that far off now at 21) - and believe it or not, my views were nearly identical to yours at that point. My taste in music has not changed, but my ear for musical reproduction equipment has changed considerably. I said it before, and I'll say it again: you'll get over this phase, we all do. You can accelerate the process by exploring quality equipment, or enjoy what you've got before you realize the truth (if you don't have much cash to blow, this is a great option)
Audio equipment is like any other in depth hobby or interest of merit - the truth is far different from what an average person would say before having alot of experience and information. As I grow older I'm finding that many, many areas have this kind of depth - I'm developing new respect and appreciation for all sorts of people with different professions and interests. I guess I'm leaving the typical "know-it-all" stage. By the way, what's your frame of reference?