Koss R200?
Sep 22, 2004 at 9:54 AM Post #2 of 2
I have a pair, they sound kinda weird. What ever the inline control does seems to rob the power. I have the volume kranked and its just bairly putting out sound. In one mode it sounds like a delay, like there is a weird echo.

I poped open the control thinkign it took a batery and its just 2 sliders, 2 switches and a few resistors. I dono how its making these sounds.


I got the cable that runs the cans direct and they have a great sound. These cans use the KSC35 drivers and you know how huge they sound. They are VERY comfortable. The pads are huge and soft. These are probobly the best full size koss headphones ive ever heard. You can get better for the price ($65 now) but they arnt bad for what i gave for em.

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