Kogan 8GB MP4 - The Player That Came From Nowhere:

Sep 23, 2014 at 6:49 AM Post #196 of 1,681
Sep 23, 2014 at 11:05 AM Post #198 of 1,681
Been listening to this player now for about a week so I thought it is time to give some of my thoughts.

Firstly I want to thank H20Fidelity for discovering this hidden gem.

I'll start with the negatives:

# The built quality is not great but then what can you ask for a 30 dollar player. When I first gotten this player I was trying to push a air bubble out of the stock screen protector. As I was pushing on the screen, it got bent in so much I thought I was going to break it. It was so soft.

# I absolutely hate the user interface. I have to press the buttons so many times to go to the external music folder if I was going to jump from album to album.

If it wasnt for the amazing sound quality, this mp3 player would already be either in the bin or drown and destroyed by my 10 months old 's saliva. Lol.

The sound quality is quite amazing. Great soundstage, both width and depth. Great imaging (almost as good as the iMods if not better). It sounds very neutral to my ears too. Totally blows the DX50!!

They are also powerful enough that I have not touched my portable amps for so long.

Overall, I'm extremely happy with it. I highly recommended ;)
Sep 23, 2014 at 1:15 PM Post #199 of 1,681
My player doesn't seem to be saving any settings once I turn it off and back on again. No "Now Playing" is shown once I turn it back on and I have to select the track from scratch again. Also the backlight display that I've increased to 39 seconds reverts back to the default 10 seconds. Anyone else experience this? 

Rather than turn the player off at the switch on the side (mains power) when you want to turn Kogan off hold the play/pause button for 2-3 seconds, it will shutdown and keep your settings. Hold again to turn it back on.
Sep 23, 2014 at 5:10 PM Post #200 of 1,681
Rather than turn the player off at the switch on the side (mains power) when you want to turn Kogan off hold the play/pause button for 2-3 seconds, it will shutdown and keep your settings. Hold again to turn it back on.

Thanks mate. I'll give that a go. I should really read instructions
Sep 23, 2014 at 5:19 PM Post #201 of 1,681
did anybody tried to contact Kogan on their eBay site, asking if they are planning to extend the sale of the player outside Australia ?
Maybe they can add a $10 shipping fee (as they have on their International web site) to cover for the international shipping costs.
Considering the hype on this thread, I've the feeling they will easily get 50-100 units sold in the very first days 

Sep 23, 2014 at 5:56 PM Post #205 of 1,681
  I mean one person has to order a minimum of 1000. 

Correct. This is exactly what "the site that can not be nominated" does: one person (the site owner) orders many pieces, according to the orders received on that site.
Maybe they will not make it to 1000 units, but if Kogan could have an easy chance to sell 100-200 additional units to one "buyer" (the site owner), maybe they agree on the deal.
There's no harm in trying 

Sep 23, 2014 at 6:40 PM Post #206 of 1,681
Sep 23, 2014 at 8:14 PM Post #207 of 1,681
Rather than turn the player off at the switch on the side (mains power) when you want to turn Kogan off hold the play/pause button for 2-3 seconds, it will shutdown and keep your settings. Hold again to turn it back on.

Works great now thanks
Sep 23, 2014 at 8:36 PM Post #208 of 1,681
I'm going to read through the thread later tonight, but it looks rather promising based off the first post. I'll save any questions I might have until after I read up.
Sep 23, 2014 at 9:50 PM Post #209 of 1,681
Well for the price I decided to give it a shot. can the volume be set to line out level?
Sep 23, 2014 at 9:56 PM Post #210 of 1,681
  Well for the price I decided to give it a shot. can the volume be set to line out level?

When amping set the volume on Kogan to max which I believe is: 31/31

Since all photo's from Kogans camera uploaded here have been indoors I'm going to take some shots outside on my way to the post office.

Show you guys a touch of Australia and the camera quality (which I have no idea how it will perform outside)


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