King of Dorks
Nov 16, 2002 at 1:52 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 53


MOT: kuboTEN
Oct 18, 2002
I just got my HD280 Pros in a "sort of trade" deal.

They have yet to break in fully, and I need to spend some time with them, so I will not give impressions. Besides, these cans already have a wealth of information on them on these boards.

But I will make one comment... Magicthyse is truly not kidding about the dork factor involved with these headphones. They are like a big clamp on my head. I think it helps if you have a big head or a big afro to fill some of the space on the sides. They look better with my hat off in this regard. But alas, I think that is part of what makes them so fun and unique
. I'm gonna enjoy prancing 'round the library being known as "the dork with the clamp on his head".

Nov 16, 2002 at 2:02 AM Post #2 of 53

could be worse - try the Philips HP890s

Then again, try some not-so-dorky poses, perhaps "look at me, I'm a dj scratchin' it up on my wheels of steel"
Nov 16, 2002 at 2:41 AM Post #5 of 53

I'm laughing so hard, my bowels ache...I may have to evacuate them any minute...

There is such a thing as too much info.

Lobster, you ought too see what I look like with the HP-1s on. I literally scare the dog....maybe it's not the headphones though.
Nov 16, 2002 at 3:01 AM Post #8 of 53
That was just SO funny.
Thanks for brightening my evening. I think I'll stick with my V6s for a closed, accurate phone.


Originally posted by LobsterSan
Magicthyse is truly not kidding about the dork factor involved with these headphones. They are like a big clamp on my head. I think it helps if you have a big head or a big afro to fill some of the space on the sides. They look better with my hat off in this regard. But alas, I think that is part of what makes them so fun and unique
. I'm gonna enjoy prancing 'round the library being known as "the dork with the clamp on his head".

Nov 16, 2002 at 3:05 AM Post #9 of 53
haha off topic but i see an ikea cd rack in the back. ikea is one of those toy stores for grownups. next to fry's, home depot, and best buy.
Nov 16, 2002 at 3:08 AM Post #10 of 53
hahahahah!! hey lobstersan you're not smiling?!? oh yeah that's right, you must have remembered that you look like a big dork the the senn. hd-dork80 phones on.
entertaining post.
Nov 16, 2002 at 3:13 AM Post #11 of 53
I say wearing headphones like that give you charcter! And you think those look bad, you've obiviously never seen me in my beyerdynamic 931's. I have to wear the headband 4 clicks down, they look massive
Nov 16, 2002 at 3:17 AM Post #12 of 53
Hey folks, in the end it's how they sound...right? (please say yes, since I just bought the 280's as well!)

Nov 16, 2002 at 3:20 AM Post #13 of 53

Originally posted by scottder
Hey folks, in the end it's how they sound...right? (please say yes, since I just bought the 280's as well!)


Nov 16, 2002 at 3:23 AM Post #14 of 53
RickG, damn...computers need sarcasm keys.

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