My new sports car --
Kennerton Vinneta
There is one very important thing to consider about these headphones. These headphones are completely transformed after the burn-in procedure. If the headphones are brand new, you may get a distorted impression of them. This is the experience that I have had as well. So all my negative comments about Vinneta in previous posts should be ignored. And by the way I can blame it on the Kennerton managers who didn't provide a fully audition-ready model at the demo stand. After I bought these, then warmed them up for a few days, I got a completely different sound. It's not just polishing the sound, no. It's a completely different sound.
At first the sound was very unstable, it varied from genre to genre or album to album. You could get harsh sound, muddy and unpleasant treble in some places, screaming vocals, flat soundstage, etc. The sound was very compressed. After the warm up stage, it was like I did an unzip of the sound. The headphones opened up like a flower. Very rich timbres, lots of body in the instruments, the soundstage had volume and geometry, improved positioning and presentation, and I could list more. The headphones have become completely versatile, which is one of the most important things for me. Excellent resolution is now audible even with the greasiest of leather ear cushions. But if you have a good, juicy tube amp, you're guaranteed to fall into the music for hours on end.
Wow. I can now safely put these headphones in the Kennerton TOP. Musical, technical, rich, natural, engaging, stunning.
As far as I know, a guy in this thread also bought these headphones and they are coming to him soon. Let's wait for his impressions.