K501s with K701s pads is an amazing transformation!

Apr 2, 2008 at 9:36 AM Post #61 of 103

Originally Posted by adanac061 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No but I do have this juicy pic......


Old king dethrones the new king...
Apr 2, 2008 at 12:48 PM Post #62 of 103

Originally Posted by Shoewreck /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Old king dethrones the new king...

THe sexy design and colour of the K701 still beats it =P
Apr 2, 2008 at 12:55 PM Post #63 of 103

Originally Posted by TSi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
THe sexy design and colour of the K701 still beats it =P

The only way to make K501 look better is to cover it with fabric. I don't care for K701 design.
Jul 30, 2008 at 9:06 PM Post #65 of 103

I have the K501 incoming and saw this thread.

You who used K701 pads for K501, do you still use them, or was it only good in the beginning?

Is the K701 pads the "new" standard for K501, or do most prefer them with the stock pads?
Jul 30, 2008 at 10:10 PM Post #66 of 103
Just a bit off topic -

K500's seem to really like the 701 pads. I have received some nice feedback from the NJ meet on how the 701 pads really added to the 500's without the muddiness that some report when the 701's are added to 501's.
So add this difference to the differences between 500's and 501's.
My phone lust has been significantly reduced after I put the 701 pads on my 500's. Other than some Stax lust I might just be done. (for awhile anyway!).
Aug 6, 2008 at 7:48 AM Post #69 of 103
the K701 pads go better with the K500 than the K501, that's for sure. There are many times though that I feel I need the K701 pads on the K501, because otherwise the bass is just too anemic. Never had that feeling with the K500.
Aug 6, 2008 at 9:18 AM Post #70 of 103
For the people that ordered from Frank Rodriguez, how was the service? I remember last year when I wanted to order K340 pads from AKG a monkey could have done a better job than Frank. He took the order then "lost it in the system," then didn't answer the phone for days then would say hold on or direct me to someone else; then 2 weeks later I got the order in and he got it wrong, sent too many pads. I was so fed up I sold the extra pads on here instead of bothering to try and return. I remember there were other head-fiers who also wanted to burn Frank at the stake due to similiar situations. Hopefully he has cleaned up his act.
Aug 29, 2008 at 2:03 PM Post #71 of 103
Thanks to fellow Head-Fi'er mapstec I finally got my hands on a pair of K601 pads. I switched them with the K701 pads presently on my K500 and voila: magic. All the good things of the K500 (mids, detail, soundstage, clarity) maintained and perhaps even slightly magnified plus the bass of the K701 pads and no muddiness. I'm happy.
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:59 PM Post #73 of 103

Originally Posted by iQEM /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@ REB:
then, i dont mind to buy that K701 pads from you...

Sure, just shoot me a PM.
Aug 29, 2008 at 10:55 PM Post #75 of 103

Originally Posted by REB /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks to fellow Head-Fi'er mapstec I finally got my hands on a pair of K601 pads. I switched them with the K701 pads presently on my K500 and voila: magic. All the good things of the K500 (mids, detail, soundstage, clarity) maintained and perhaps even slightly magnified plus the bass of the K701 pads and no muddiness. I'm happy.

Yeah I was thinking about getting a pair of K601 pads to replace my terribly worn pair of k501 pads. Its good to hear that they performed well on a similar set of headphones.

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