k1000 owners club

May 14, 2014 at 2:41 PM Post #1,366 of 1,665
S/N 01591 reporting for duty!
Purchased on eBay / Austria some months back. Came with the black AKG box and the original extension cable and connection sheet. The foam from the top of the box had gotten into the ear-speakers, but a little VERY careful cleaning fixed them up nicely. I'm really enjoying them with a variety of amps; my favorites being a Sansui Q-3535 EL34 based PP amp and a pair of Crown D-75s running mono-bridged. Contrary to what I've read, the K1000s definitely DO have bass! It's all about matching with the amp in question. I'd love to try one of the Pete Millet ECC99 tube amps or a Bottlehead S.E.X. 2.1 kit, or maybe their 300B amps. Also wondering about the Transcendant "Son of Beast" OTL; it looks like an ideal match for the K1000s; anyone try one yet?
May 15, 2014 at 9:09 PM Post #1,367 of 1,665
You have a bass heavy model.
I have both the bass heavy and bass light versions, and there is a definite (read "great") difference in the bass presentation.
May 16, 2014 at 1:25 AM Post #1,368 of 1,665
Thanks for the conformation. Well, I'm glad I did get the bass-heavy version. Even with that, I add some EQ for popular music so I can't imagine I would like a version with less-bass. Is there an improvement of some sort on the "bass-light" versions? In other words, beside less bass, does it have any improvements?
May 16, 2014 at 7:59 AM Post #1,369 of 1,665
The main difference is the following two points:-
Con: It sounds like the bass light version is only reproducing the top half of the audio spectrum. A slight exaggeration until you hear the bass heavy version straight after with the same music.
Pro: With the absence/diminution of the bass material the bass light has a glorious mid range.
The bass heavy has the same midrange, but it's masked by the bass material, whereas the bass light version has nothing to distract you from it.
May 18, 2014 at 6:24 AM Post #1,371 of 1,665
i used to have a bass heavy model #01577. loved it with the signature 30, but ended up selling it about five years ago. can't believe they're going for $3000 now...they're nice headphones, but nowhere near worth that much, IMO.
my former pair:

May 29, 2014 at 1:59 AM Post #1,376 of 1,665
  nope. if i get it for my 800 euro bid than it's whatever, if i lose i wouldnt care. its the same pair that is listed on audiogon for more than double the price.

that's about how much i sold my mint, recabled, bass-heavy pair about five years ago. black box, all original cables. i have no idea what glue this guy is sniffing thinking he can get $3K. but i suppose it doesn't hurt to try...
May 31, 2014 at 1:40 PM Post #1,379 of 1,665
Well, sadly now I need to sell my set.
I like them better than the Stax 303s I still have around, but I really need the money to pay some legal bills that are mounting. I can't possibly explain to my Commander-in-Chief (read wife), why I "need" headphones that cost anything more than 100 bucks.
If I had been able to get my Quad 57s back from the "world renowned" repair expert they've been with for almost two years, then I would have sold them first. However, as I am out more than 2K on the repair costs alone and don't even have the "bad" Quad parts to sell, I am "Shi* out of luck" with nothing to show for all that mess but grief. My foray into headphone-land was originally a "get me by" effort until I got my Quads back. However, I've found I really love the sound of the K1000s and Stax SR-404/303, SRM-007s and Sigmas I've tried much more than any speakers I've ever owned or heard (including studio monitors, many of the classics, stat speakers, ribbons, line-arrays et cetera). 
So I guess I will have to bid you all a found farewell for now. Hopefully when things improve financially for me, I will be able to find a nice minty pair of K1000s again, and enjoy them with you!
Best regards, 
May 31, 2014 at 1:49 PM Post #1,380 of 1,665
Sad to hear. Hopefully you can snag a pair down the road.

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