JVC HA-NC250 Noise Canceling Headphones
Jul 27, 2007 at 11:13 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Feb 7, 2007
I have a friend who is looking for some decent noise canceling headphones to block out talking from nearby co-workers. She had briefly listened to Bose QC3 and really liked the isolation (I guess). However, I immediately told her she could probably do much better for less than $350.

Anyway, I found a few noise canceling models from Sennheiser, but don't know how well they are at neutralizing mid- to upper-range sounds. Apparently, JVC recently released a model called the HA-NC250, which was described on one site as "Bose-humiliating, noise canceling headphones".

Can anyone comment on this new JVC model? If not, is there a decent headphone that can do a sufficient job of blocking out loud-talking co-workers for well under the $350 for a QC3?

Jul 27, 2007 at 11:43 PM Post #2 of 2
Noise cancelling headphones probably wouldn't block out the talking of loud coworkers... They are made to only block out the lower frequencies, such as the loud rumble in a plane or car.

Oh and also, all Noise cancelling headphones sound crap. Your friend would be best off going for an IEM or Canal-phone, which are headphones that go further into your ear canal to block out more noise.

And best of all, a decent canal-phone can be had for under $20. Look for the JVC Marshmallow's at Best Buy or Circuit City.

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