Just when i thought my search might have been over.... HJE900.
Feb 5, 2010 at 1:12 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


1000+ Head-Fier
Dec 12, 2009
Impressions? I'm curious as to how these compare to some of my other contenders. Right now, these are looking mighty attractive. I've heard bad things about shipping stuff to my school, and I don't want to deal with having the headphones shipped home and then having to pick them up, so anything I can bu y from J&R or at a real store is uber attractive.

They seem very duable and seem to sound nice, but impressions are hard to come by. Their price of 109(I suppose 118ish with ny tax) is much cheaper than the 200 I would have been paying for the CK10s, and they seem much more durable than the more expensive X5s... I was looking at the monster Jamz, but there are no reviews whatsoever for them, but monster seems to have been doing a great job with IEMs.

There are few impressions here, so I'm mostly looking for the negatives, as generally the first few impressions tend to be quite positive.

What's soundstage on these like? Are there any genres you think suond particularly bad? What excels? I listen to a great variety of music so I need something that will sound good with whatever I throw at them.

Thanks in advance!
Feb 5, 2010 at 1:40 AM Post #3 of 10
Why do you assume I haven't read every single post in every thread that has been made about them already? T_T Sorry, I just don't like people assuming I haven't done my reasearch, because I just spent the past couple of hours reading every post about these headphones I can find XD. I ask because I didn't find enough info relative to other headphones.

I am asking for fresh impressions, possibly compared to the cans I posted. Now that time has gone by since anyone really mentioned these, I'm curious as to what impressions are like.
Feb 7, 2010 at 3:51 AM Post #4 of 10

Originally Posted by Napilopez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why do you assume I haven't read every single post in every thread that has been made about them already? T_T Sorry, I just don't like people assuming I haven't done my reasearch, because I just spent the past couple of hours reading every post about these headphones I can find XD. I ask because I didn't find enough info relative to other headphones.

I am asking for fresh impressions, possibly compared to the cans I posted. Now that time has gone by since anyone really mentioned these, I'm curious as to what impressions are like.

I don't think Tstarn meant to sound condescending but his point is valid none the less.

You might here more impressions now that these phones are available again. From what I've read the HJE900's have better than average controlled bass, somewhat recessed mids, extended sometimes sharp highs and all around good clarity for the price.
Feb 7, 2010 at 4:45 AM Post #5 of 10
Exactly. Just seemed logical to post this request in the existing Panny thread, is all. There is so much redundancy in the Portable forum, why add to it? OP had already posted in that thread and got answers, so it would make sense to post his request there again, no?

That thread on them started 1/8, so it was hardly out of date.and had a post today. I am sure owners of the Pannys would have been glad to answer more questions.
Feb 7, 2010 at 7:48 AM Post #6 of 10
^ Point is valid, but let's be fair. You didn't jump on iponderous for starting a CK10 vs. e-Q7 thread when there were at least two active CK10 threads and one e-Q7 thread out there. And there are other examples galore. So why jump on Napilopez here?

Anyway, I have the CK10 on order and will post a comparison with the HJE900 when they arrive. In the HJE900 thread or here, I don't care.
Feb 7, 2010 at 2:27 PM Post #7 of 10
I would have, but I just happened to see this post after reading your thread on the Panny. I should try to be equal opp on this, but I missed it. Also, iponderous' thread was a specific comparison thread, which while it could be combined with existing threads, he asked for specific comparison, not questions about soundstage and other Panny characteristics. The headline of this post could have said: HJE900 vs. (fill in the phone or phones).

But the first word is "Impressions?" I would say that the general nature of the post would make it a natural for the existing Panny thread. iponderous reallly wanted specific information, so I think a distinct thread makes much more sense in that case.

I think my point is valid, but no matter. Glad to see you have the CK10 on the way. Hope you like it as much as some of us do. Will be interested to hear your views on it, either here, in the other Panny thread, or in the CK10 threads.
Feb 7, 2010 at 2:40 PM Post #8 of 10
Ehh I understand what you mean, I could have posted in that thread. I just thought the assumption I hadn't read on my own was unfair. But whatevs, no big!

I'll be interesting in your impressions vs the CK10 as well =P
Feb 7, 2010 at 6:03 PM Post #10 of 10
Aaaah, group hug.

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