Headphoneus Supremus
Hi all,
I recently traded with a friend for this headphone. I must say compared to my past HD595, this one sounds about the same. Though this one seems to have slightly more bass and less treble with a slightly smaller soundstage.
Overall the treble is clean with no sibilance or edgieness, and it also extends quite high. It does seems like it rolls off ways up there. The main that jumps out at me is the smoothness of the treble.
Mids are pretty neutral and clear with a slight "crunch" sound to them and a little graininess. Overall they are clear with no obvious colorations. I find the mids good for metal.
Bass is what I like on this phone. It's very tight (not K702/DT880 tight of course) and has good impact to it. The bass has some texture to it but mostly a bit of a thump to my ears. Extension is good, but not the best I've heard.
The soundstage is decent, smaller than the HD600's, but still decent. It's more in your face and personal, perfect for rock and such.
Detail is good, probably not as detailed as the Grado's, but still has good amounts of it. The HD600 is more detailed and resolving.
I like the phone quite a bit and will surely keep it.
I recently traded with a friend for this headphone. I must say compared to my past HD595, this one sounds about the same. Though this one seems to have slightly more bass and less treble with a slightly smaller soundstage.
Overall the treble is clean with no sibilance or edgieness, and it also extends quite high. It does seems like it rolls off ways up there. The main that jumps out at me is the smoothness of the treble.
Mids are pretty neutral and clear with a slight "crunch" sound to them and a little graininess. Overall they are clear with no obvious colorations. I find the mids good for metal.
Bass is what I like on this phone. It's very tight (not K702/DT880 tight of course) and has good impact to it. The bass has some texture to it but mostly a bit of a thump to my ears. Extension is good, but not the best I've heard.
The soundstage is decent, smaller than the HD600's, but still decent. It's more in your face and personal, perfect for rock and such.
Detail is good, probably not as detailed as the Grado's, but still has good amounts of it. The HD600 is more detailed and resolving.
I like the phone quite a bit and will surely keep it.