I've had this Ipod Classic for less than 24 hours, looking for replacement

Feb 11, 2010 at 11:06 PM Post #16 of 24
Actually I just looked at the rockbox website and the only stable/unstable ports at up to 5.5G, mini and nano 1G with the 2G being unstable. I haven't looked at ipods in a while but I don't believe the classic falls under that so that's out.

I have the fuze. It's drag and drop. Theres a folder already in the fuze called Music where I store everything. You can put folders, subfolders, songs, etc whatever you want. It's the same thing as the sony. I have the fuze and I like it. I don't know the SQ of it compared to an ipod but it has a pretty clean sound from the headphone out. I have yet to try it line out dock but that's supposed to be better according to a bunch of people here. The only disadvantage is that it's size is much more limited due to it being flash compared to a hard disk so as of right now the max is a 8gb fuze +16gb microsdhc.
Feb 11, 2010 at 11:35 PM Post #17 of 24
How do the clip, +, and fuze compare with one another?

From Amazon, I'm a bit confused.
Sansa clip is more expensive (even before being marked down) than both + and fuze

From tech specs (according to amazon anyways)
Fuze (which supports video) has a longer battery life than clip and +

Does the fuze have a lesser SQ or something? an are they all expandable via 16gb microsdhc?
Feb 11, 2010 at 11:55 PM Post #18 of 24

Originally Posted by Sparky191 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you have links to people reviewing the new E series to other recent sonys?

Unfortunately I do not. But i have owned both of them. The E series that came out last year was significantly upgraded in sound quality.
Feb 12, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #19 of 24
Yea if you properly label your songs in iTunes the iPods have a great browsing method; when I used iTunes (when I had my Nano/Touch), everything was perfectly labeled and categorized. However I deleted all of the album names so it was just Genre / Hip Hop / Blue Scholars / (Songs)

Very quick and easy to navigate.
Feb 12, 2010 at 1:16 AM Post #20 of 24
After looking around, I think I'm going to try and operate with rockbox. It seems it has a more user-friendly format, and it's an additional firmware rather than a replacement so if I don't like it, no harm done. Also, FLAC <3
Feb 12, 2010 at 1:21 AM Post #21 of 24

Originally Posted by Bovice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How do the clip, +, and fuze compare with one another?

From Amazon, I'm a bit confused.
Sansa clip is more expensive (even before being marked down) than both + and fuze

From tech specs (according to amazon anyways)
Fuze (which supports video) has a longer battery life than clip and +

Does the fuze have a lesser SQ or something? an are they all expandable via 16gb microsdhc?

They sound exactly the same, they have the same chip in them. I dont know why amazon has the clip more than the Fuze.The fuze and clip+ are only expandable via microsd.The clip is what it is, 2,4,8 gb
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:45 AM Post #23 of 24

Originally Posted by krmathis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Proper tagged files, then browse by artist, album title, genre, ...
No need for subfolders.

Nope, just hours of precious time spent better elsewhere.

And yes, I begrudgingly use tags thanks to the Zune (one of few remaining HDD players with good sound).
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:52 AM Post #24 of 24
unless you just rip from CDs :P then ur fine since its done for you!

actually im in the process of doing all my tags..its such a pain

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