It is not just for sound and music only!

Aug 30, 2008 at 1:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Headphoneus Supremus
Apr 9, 2006
Now, I want to talk about the effects other than sound itself for our listening pleasure.

Among the headphones, the ones I had listened the least was SR225. For me, it was way too aggressive, very unnatural and very tiresome sound that I could not last more than 30 minutes. Not to mention it is the most uncomfortable headphone I've owned (even with 414 pads)

For one time, I thought it was worse than PX100, let alone SHP9000 or other better headphones.

Recently, I have decided to buy headphile's Grado c-pad, which definitely improve the comfort of the Grado I have. So I ordered, and after a while it arrived.

I really do not see that much change on sound except definite improvement over soundstage. But overall it is still very aggressive and very unnatural, tiresome sound.

But, I found myself wearing these SR225s more than a hour. And, actually, I found the sound not that as much as terrible as the first impression. Even though all of these negative thoughts above, I suddenly found the sound very fun, and excited to listen, very enjoyable.

So, suddenly SR225 sounds better than now? Maybe on the soundstage, but I found other aspects are pretty much same when compared with the flat pads I've used.

The conclusion was, that the reason I feel the sound is better is that it is just plain more comfortable than before. Yes, right now my SR225 does not eat dust as much as before (still eating a lot of dust anyway.)

Now, I recall my experience with SA5000 and SA3000. Other than pad material, they share exactly same housings and same drivers. So SA5000 and 3000 must give me same sound. At worst, due to placebo effect, SA5000 should sound better due to higher cost. But, I eventually sold SA5000 but I still have SA3000, and quite enjoying it, and I always think that SA3000 sounds better. Now, I guess that it is because SA3000 is much more comfortable than SA5000 for me. The leather pads of SA5000 were very annoying, while the Urethane pads of SA3000 are simply nothing more than perfection.

So, the bottom lines are?

1. Comfortable headphones sound better for us, even though it is not true in objective view.
2. Get comfortable headphones if you wear them more than a hour.
2. STOP using damn annoying leather (whether artificial or genuine) pads! They are annoying as hell since they do not breath at all.
Aug 30, 2008 at 2:50 AM Post #2 of 6
You can't beat the smell of leather.

I love it on my Darths.
Aug 30, 2008 at 10:23 PM Post #4 of 6

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They smell good and look good. But that's the end of the positive points.

they are recyclable!
Aug 30, 2008 at 10:41 PM Post #5 of 6

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They smell good and look good. But that's the end of the positive points.

they can also sound different, better for some not better for others. I agree with you though I love velour pads, I don't like my ears feeling sweaty after a long session.
Aug 31, 2008 at 1:58 AM Post #6 of 6

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So, the bottom lines are?

1. Comfortable headphones sound better for us, even though it is not true in objective view.

so true, i forget that i have the beyers on my head after a while (also happens with the px100) and it sounds better to me because of that. i think it has to do with the fact that it tricks you into thinking the sound is emanating out of thin air, since you can hardly feel anything on your ears/head.

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