Dec 5, 2019 at 10:24 PM Post #17 of 5,881
Another thread to subscribe. Watching this (old question ~ how can i retire from buying IEMs?)
Dec 6, 2019 at 2:39 PM Post #21 of 5,881
I will ask if I can get a Fr graph for these. From what I am hearing the balancing is superb. Very excellent punchy bass. I mean the while idea of a hybrid is so we get the bass end that behaves like bass right? Punchy and the low end rumble is excellent. It is addictive on this set. Surprisingly so. Here is the craziness. No mid range recession at all. Vocal tracks have crazy good range. Rich smooth mid range. Excellent detailed extended non fatiguing treble end too. There is nothing missing on the sound of the H40. If these guys end up making a higher end one than the H40. Sign me up!
Dec 6, 2019 at 2:50 PM Post #22 of 5,881
I will ask if I can get a Fr graph for these. From what I am hearing the balancing is superb. Very excellent punchy bass. I mean the while idea of a hybrid is so we get the bass end that behaves like bass right? Punchy and the low end rumble is excellent. It is addictive on this set. Surprisingly so. Here is the craziness. No mid range recession at all. Vocal tracks have crazy good range. Rich smooth mid range. Excellent detailed extended non fatiguing treble end too. There is nothing missing on the sound of the H40. If these guys end up making a higher end one than the H40. Sign me up!
is the bass the boomy kind or tight? is female vocals more focused than male? (like 95% of all iems I heard except the Tape where both vocals are equal)
Dec 6, 2019 at 2:56 PM Post #23 of 5,881
Both male and female vocals sound superb very even mid range end. No recession I am hearing anywhere at all. Bass is punchy and tight, bold when called for. Not the bloated style. Not the fastest bass but for what it is I will gladly take it. Nothing really is lacking in any way or form in the sound design at all. They tuned the poo out of these things. I am willing to bet these will go toe to toe with anything in the market at double or triple the price right now.
Dec 6, 2019 at 3:00 PM Post #24 of 5,881
Both male and female vocals sound superb very even mid range end. No recession I am hearing anywhere at all. Bass is punchy and tight, bold when called for. Not the bloated style. Not the fastest bass but for what it is I will gladly take it. Nothing really is lacking in any way or form in the sound design at all. They tuned the poo out of these things. I am willing to bet these will go toe to toe with anything in the market at double or triple the price right now.
Sounds very nice, are you gonna get the Shuoer Tape?
Dec 7, 2019 at 12:44 PM Post #26 of 5,881
H40 GRAPH.png Ask and you will receive. This is the graph for the H40. Though it has a 7 K spike. It was done very tastefully. Doesn't assault the ears. No sibilance I can hear. Very nicely done. Mid bass grunt when called for and sub bass has almost no roll off. Will add the graph to the front page.
Dec 7, 2019 at 12:55 PM Post #27 of 5,881
Ask and you will receive. This is the graph for the H40. Though it has a 7 K spike. It was done very tastefully. Doesn't assault the ears. No sibilance I can hear. Very nicely done. Mid bass grunt when called for and sub bass has almost no roll off. Will add the graph to the front page.
Is there a way to compare it to the Shuoer Tape? Crinacle seems to use a different standard or something.

Dec 7, 2019 at 1:29 PM Post #28 of 5,881
Im no graph expert but I can tell the tape relys on that 3Khz peak for detail and presence. Which on the other hand can cause fatigue. A lot of the detail that your hearing is due to that boost in the region. Which is not a bad thing per se but the H40 in graph and to my ears has a very fine balance of detail and musicality that is hard to reproduce. It looks to me a better more balanced Fr over the Tapes. Treble range has the better presence on the H40 with added sparkle and air. Bass on the tape looks more focused on lower bass vs the mid to upper bass.

The musicality factor of the H40 is bass notes will have greater impact due to the fuller bass range adding to musicality of the presentation. Again excellent impact and punch, bass overall has the greater range. Mid range on the H40 is much more even vs the tape. It is a very nicely done high end tuning on the H40. It is literally maximizing every driver for what it can do, very well done by ISN.
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Dec 7, 2019 at 1:42 PM Post #29 of 5,881
Im no graph expert but I can tell the tape relys on that 3Khz peak for detail and presence. Which on the other hand can cause fatigue. A lot of the detail that your hearing is due to that boost in the region. Which is not a bad thing per se but the H40 in graph and to my ears has a very fine balance of detail and musicality that is hard to reproduce. It looks to me a better more balanced Fr over the Tapes. Treble range has the better presence on the H40 with added sparkle and air. Bass on the tape looks more focused on lower bass vs the mid to upper bass.

The musicality factor of the H40 is bass notes will have greater impact due to the fuller bass range adding to musicality of the presentation. Again excellent impact and punch, bass overall has the greater range. Mid range on the H40 is much more even vs the tape. It is a very nicely done high end tuning on the H40. It is literally maximizing every driver for what it can do, very well done by ISN.
sounds very nice, will wait for the Audiosense hybrid before I decide anything.Thanks
Dec 7, 2019 at 3:25 PM Post #30 of 5,881
Im no graph expert but I can tell the tape relys on that 3Khz peak for detail and presence. Which on the other hand can cause fatigue. A lot of the detail that your hearing is due to that boost in the region. Which is not a bad thing per se but the H40 in graph and to my ears has a very fine balance of detail and musicality that is hard to reproduce. It looks to me a better more balanced Fr over the Tapes. Treble range has the better presence on the H40 with added sparkle and air. Bass on the tape looks more focused on lower bass vs the mid to upper bass.

The musicality factor of the H40 is bass notes will have greater impact due to the fuller bass range adding to musicality of the presentation. Again excellent impact and punch, bass overall has the greater range. Mid range on the H40 is much more even vs the tape. It is a very nicely done high end tuning on the H40. It is literally maximizing every driver for what it can do, very well done by ISN.

My Tape is with a **** cable and no longer has that accented peak. Tape has big detail across the range. It may be a baby but it is a form of an electrostat and truly performs as one. If you ditch the Shouer stock Chinese audiphile tuning just by the cable change they are super musical. Regardless they are ABSOLUTELY not one of those phones that just gets detail from treble accentuation. You can read so many in the Shouer thread talk of the Tapes bass being unlike any other earphone they have and the bass is talked about more than the treble for sure. A solid baby stat plus well tuned dynamic bass.

That said there certainly was a run of Tape that has some issues that are hopefully sorted out. That would be the reason not to consider till sure it is sorted but not performance or realism or musicality. :)

Would like to hear the 2 compared in real life though.
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