Is the Super-Mini a real META42 (or close to it)?
Nov 11, 2002 at 3:13 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


New Head-Fier
Mar 9, 2002
So much talk about whether the super-mini is a true META42, or whether fixup is "cashing in on the meta name". For those of you in the know, what are the practical and technical differences between the super-mini and a traditional META design? How close would you say the super-mini comes to META42 performance (if it falls short at all)? Will the changes in store for the v3.0 do anything to close the gap?
Nov 11, 2002 at 6:33 AM Post #2 of 7
HI: Fixup never said that the super mini was a mini META42. I think he said that it could compeat with the META42 Or sound as good but never called it a mini META42. Now I own the mini 9 volt amp and just happen to own the Max Out META42 2-9 volt batt. amp. I think that the mini 1-9 volt amp is around 70-80 per cent of a META42.
Nov 11, 2002 at 8:51 AM Post #3 of 7
Thanks for your thoughts LTUCCI:

Agreed, he never said it is a meta, but he does say that it is "very much like a META 42" and the v3.0 "should sound as good as a full meta42 if not better." I've already ordered a v3.0 to pair with my ER4s because the size is just unbeatable and reviews have been very good. But I would like to hear how other people think it compares to the META and I'd also like to hear any comparisons to the CHA47 and the CMOY.
Nov 11, 2002 at 2:48 PM Post #4 of 7
HI: When fixup said that the mini might even sound better than the META42 he might just be right about that if the META is a regular META42. I know it don't sound as good as a Max Out META42 but fixup never said a Max Out META42. As far s the cmoy goes the mini just might sound as good because I owned a cmoy 1-9 volt batt amp and if I can still remember right about the cmoy the mini might sound as good as it. I do remember that I really liked my cmoy but I also really like my mini amp also.
Nov 11, 2002 at 3:22 PM Post #5 of 7
From what I remember Fixup did originally use the term Mini Meta. I believe it was a mixup in what constitutes the name Meta42. The naming and the comparisons have caused a bit of a controversy. He and tangent have had discussions about the name and he no longer uses the name Mini Meta but the comparisons to a full Meta I believe are still open to debate. I can't say this from experience but an educated guess would be that generally the Meta would still be a better amp.
Nov 11, 2002 at 3:38 PM Post #6 of 7
HI: How are you. HAPPY VETS DAY. I have talked to Xin on the phone and his english ant so good. He has posted stuff that he meant in another way but it all came out wrong. This guy is a real nice guy and very polite to talk to. He just cant get his typing in english together to well and feels bad about it.
Nov 11, 2002 at 3:44 PM Post #7 of 7
Hi Lou,

HAPPY VETS DAY! Hope your having a good one.

Don't get me wrong I meant no slight towards fixup. His amp has it's own place among the DIY amps. No other is as small and portable and I have no doubt that the sound quality is excellent.

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