Is the Chord Hugo 2 the best small amp/dac for headphones in the universe right now?

Nov 8, 2018 at 6:56 PM Post #16 of 18
Owh darn, i missed that opportunity. Was in Japan, and the guys there unfortunately couldn't explain everything to me as they dont speak English. Must get a second demo in. Im sure its great, cos alot of people said so. That is what surprised me, albeit with filter on. IMHO, it sounded bad...and I mean real bad. Btw, what filter was the Hugo2 on when I demoed it?

The filters only change the sound a little, white ball is neutral. If it sounded bad to you, going to white, if that’s what is needed, probably won’t do much for you. Personally I think the filters are unnecessary.
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Nov 8, 2018 at 7:36 PM Post #17 of 18
Owh darn, i missed that opportunity. Was in Japan, and the guys there unfortunately couldn't explain everything to me as they dont speak English. Must get a second demo in. Im sure its great, cos alot of people said so. That is what surprised me, albeit with filter on. IMHO, it sounded bad...and I mean real bad. Btw, what filter was the Hugo2 on when I demoed it?

Orange is the 2nd strongest filter.
Nov 17, 2018 at 4:40 AM Post #18 of 18
Right now i'm using a Fostex HPA4-BL with my HD800S trough balanced 4 pin and i'm very happy with it, is small and have really good build quality and sound as far as i understand, i can switch between my PC and PS4 while at the same time switching to my 2.1 setup to my headphones; but i want to try something different or better, i don't want something huge tho, is the Hugo 2 the best that comes in that form factor?

The hugo 2 is on the brighter side of neutral which doesn't fit very well with the HD800S unless you like a bright/analytical sound signature. The fact that audeze used their phones on shows with the hugo further prooves that point.
In the end it is all about matching your headphone sound signature with the right amp/dac to have your preferred sound signature made by the whole chain.
There is no such thing as "the best" from my experience.

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