While wondering whether i should get a Mimby or SMSL SU8 - i couldn’t decide ... i opted instead for two DACs for less then the price of either of the above — got a Modi 3 and an SMSL M100, the latter has an AK4452 ... also previously had an SMSL S10 (which has a 4490; thought i’d A-B the Modi & the S10 but never bothered, as i doubt i’d hear the difference) ... i cycled them all through different systems, and the M100 w/ the 4452 sounds very good. But so does the Modi. At this point i can’t articulate any differences i thought i might have heard at that time; maybe the Modi cleaner/more neutral, the M100 smoother/warmer, but hell if i remember. Differences like slivers of sound (hence my interest in the SU8 w/ it’s variable filters), very thin slices. They all found a working home and all sound good, more differences from the speakers i think than the DACs. Hence head-fi-ers addiction to multiple HPs ... slivers of sound (?)