Honestly, when it comes to the question: "What do you think? Is $2000 emerging as a hi-end headphone sweet spot in the middle of 2024?", I believe it's crucial to consider
how we define a hi-end headphone. Is it defined by its price? Its resolution? Or, as you mentioned in your video, its ability to tweak its sound and have modular replaceable parts? (By the way, great video! I strongly agree with your views on the YH5000SE, although I've never dared to express these opinion sin public for fear of getting into quarrel lol).
If we judge by price alone, you'll notice that the current flagships, especially those summit-fi headphones like the Final D8000 Pro LE, YH5000SE, Mysphere, and LCD-5, etc. etc., all exceed $2000 easily. And in fact, they far exceed it (I actually wanted to use the example of the Susvara U, which is priced at four times your supposed sweet spot, but I'm afraid this would lead to the same kind of price debate that happened in the Susvara threads).
Using price to determine whether a headphone is hi-end can be problematic. It risks becoming a dilemma where comment is constantly tied down by the price. Especially when you find that despite its pricey price, the sound it produces isn't as expected, one might face skepticism from others: "Hey, how can such an expensive headphone sound like this? Must be same problem with your setup/matching." Or one might fall into self-doubt: "Is there something wrong with my pair? Is my listening preference completely different from others?"
Therefore, I don't think relying on price alone to decide whether a headphone is hi-end is very reliable. But coming back to your question, my thoughts are that if we disregard those ultra-pricey-flagships with exorbitant prices that can single-handedly skew the average (how much is Noble’s diamond-gold IEM again? $10,000?), I do agree with your point! I believe $2000 is indeed a sweet spot. Within this price range, you can find many headphones that are very close to the top in terms of resolution. The HEK SE you mentioned is a great example.
Besides the three mentioned in your video, there are many other headphones available for under $2000 that still offer great enjoyment and exceptional quality. For instance, the Arya, the well-known HD800, and if consider second-hand options, the choices expand even further—LCD24, Stax 009, and many more.
So, I think the most important thing is the enjoyment: stick to your budget and buy the headphone within the range that makes you the happiest. Regardless of the price or whether it’s considered high-end, as long as it’s your sweet spot, that’s all that matters.
Lmao, I couldn't help but laugh out loud in the office