Jan 13, 2025 at 5:24 AM Post #751 of 856
For a second there,,"if my wife told me I could only keep..."...ì

Have you tried the NX on the go, public transport, walk down street , in café?

For example I am rocking the FT1 right now on a bus and it's not alien looking, reckon the Noire X would be same.
I haven't taken them for a stroll or hit the office or cafe with them yet - but I do plan to. For planars they're sure smaller than the LCD-Xs i used to occasionally lug into the office (when i was working solo). Looks are always going to be subjective but in my opinion the NX are one nice looking headphone. Elegant and classy. The headband wires are noticeable I guess - but its not like you're trying to hide rhe fact you're wearing the headphones. They pack crazily small - surprisingly so. I think they'd be a good travelling option provided you've got the juice to power them. Isolation from outside noise is pretty good. I think they do leak a little bit of sound but in anything but a very quiet space others would probably not notice.
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Jan 13, 2025 at 5:29 AM Post #752 of 856
I haven't taken them for a stroll or hit the office or cafe with them yet - but I do plan to. For planars they're sure smaller than the LCD-Xs i used to occasionally lug into the office (when i was working solo). Looks are always going to be subjective but the NX are one nice looking headphone. The headband wires are noticeable I guess - but its not like you're yrying to hude rhebfact your wearing the cans. They pack crazily small - surprisingly so. I think they're a good travelling option provided you've got the juice to power them
Ah yes the wire... Hm, that is actually an interesting one that.. They are thin and slim and i think , peripherally, they dissappear in a landscape, even on a bus, it would take someone funding themselves all of a sudden clocking the realisation that there's this wire thing going on on that person's headphones..ha. (I take it you would choose your kid over E3 😊 and congratulations! .. on your new NoireX!.. 😄. No congrats on your newborn)
Jan 13, 2025 at 5:33 AM Post #753 of 856
Ah yes the wire... Hm, that is actually an interesting one that.. They are thin and slim and i think , peripherally, they dissappear in a landscape, even on a bus, it would take someone funding themselves all of a sudden clocking the realisation that there's this wire thing going on on that person's headphones..ha. (I take it you would choose your kid over E3 😊 and congratulations! .. on your new NoireX!.. 😄. No congrats on your newborn)
Kid vs E3...hmmm. I'll get back to you 🤣
Jan 13, 2025 at 5:54 AM Post #755 of 856
I got to try the Noire X, and while I don't have an E3 to compare, I'm having the same experience with the shouty female vocals/percussion sounds without EQ. Think upper midrange/low treble. I've shuffled around the position of the pads on my ears, but to no avail. I feel similar to what Resolve had mentioned about how he thinks the AMTS may not be affecting him. Otherwise, I do like the neutral sound and clarity. Unfortunately, I also cannot EQ all the time and the shoutiness becomes unbearably painful within 20 minutes or so for me. So much so that I must take them off and switch over to my other headphones.

I also did try the Aune SR7000 closed-back which had a warmer, much more mid-forward sound, more recessed treble. The bass extension was great, as much as the Noire X. I found the SR7000 to sound wider and more open sounding, impressive as a closed-back. They seem to be getting some legit reviews as well on this site, and quite cheaper.
This happened me with the Element III but not with the K19 or the HA300. I think for some reason some sources have a poor control over this headphone. Similar case with the MDR-Z1R. Unless you plug into a proper source or tube amp you will experience this issue.
Jan 14, 2025 at 10:10 AM Post #756 of 856
What do you guys think of Aeon 2 Noire compared to Noire X? For those who have tried both, is it worth the upgrade? The main differences I see is the changeable sound filters for the Aeon 2 Noire, new auto adjusting headband on the X, better earcups on the X, AND the AMTS on the X.
Jan 16, 2025 at 12:22 PM Post #757 of 856
What do you guys think of Aeon 2 Noire compared to Noire X? For those who have tried both, is it worth the upgrade? The main differences I see is the changeable sound filters for the Aeon 2 Noire, new auto adjusting headband on the X, better earcups on the X, AND the AMTS on the X.
The A2 filters were created before we had AMTS to attempt to address the same issue, but it’s not as effective at targeting the desired response and doesn’t do much to reduce standing waves, so NX is a big step up in accuracy and natural tone.
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Jan 16, 2025 at 4:09 PM Post #758 of 856
The A2 filters were created before we had AMTS to attempt to address the same issue, but it’s not as effective at targeting the desired response and doesn’t do much to reduce standing waves, so NX is a big step up in accuracy and natural tone.
I really loved the noire with the two notch white felt. Maybe there is no "right" answer to that question, but Is this configuration somehow comparable to the sound of the noire x?
Jan 16, 2025 at 4:47 PM Post #759 of 856
I like the sound stock Dummer 6.3 cable, but any recommendation on rep cables? What about the sound with copper, hybrid, silver...
Jan 16, 2025 at 9:20 PM Post #761 of 856
I just received my cable from Audiophile Ninja, I’m very happy with it (shipped quickly as always). The material and length is better than the stock cable for me.
Jan 17, 2025 at 1:07 AM Post #762 of 856
I like the sound stock Dummer 6.3 cable, but any recommendation on rep cables? What about the sound with copper, hybrid, silver...
Forza Audioworks cables are of very high quality and for an affordable price, probably I will buy them a cable from there noir line, which is 100% cooper to add a slight of warmness to the Noir X current tunning, if you want to go for an extra detail special on the highs, the Noir Hybrid will be the right choice.

Jan 19, 2025 at 3:00 AM Post #763 of 856
Question - will repeatedly 'stretching' the headband on the NX to store the headphones in the case do any damage to it (the headband) over time (loss of elasticity etc)? I'm currently storing the headphones in the small case at the end of each day and notice that the headband stretches significantly in order to fold the ear cups up into the correct position...🤔 that's a lot of stretching the headband over time...
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Jan 19, 2025 at 7:58 AM Post #764 of 856
I wouldn't do that every day. They are made so, to fold and be stored in the case, but everything is getting used with time. After a while it might not be as comfortable or strong as before. Just buy Yourself a nice looking stand.
Jan 19, 2025 at 10:59 AM Post #765 of 856
Finally i have opportunity to try this can extensively on my local audio shop, i was pairing it with mojo 2 (all sample as brief comparition), i wanted add cans that can be enjoyable for both portable and desktop, i mostly listened to Electronic genre and female vocal song.

Just some word to described this noire X, it was 'amazing balance intimate sounding cans', better than any aeon previous iteration, the dynamic is so good, the intimacy the detail the nuance was there, one of the best closed back i have ever tried so far, for me compare to aune sr7000 as example since the demo product is there side by side, this is no contest, sr7000 seemed more relax but boring and lack coherence to my ear, bass detail also smearing and not good, noire x just as perfect as i wanted to be, and compare fiio ft1 which also there, fiio has more thumpy bass but lack of detail and resolution and present more boominess on certain track, noire x definitely more balanced to me, i love fiio tonal but noire tonal is same or perhaps more musical to my ear with better technicality on every aspect except if you really want less detail, warm, less intimate, slightly fuzzy but more thumpy sound, however fiio is not bad deal either, since its much more cheaper than noire, its king on its price range, but i still prefer save money to get noire x instead of buying fiio, despite i knew its not seemed like 6 times better since fiio msrp just 150 usd, i just felt the build, overall sound still worth it to achieve, at least for now, sr7000 in other hand, still not worth, i rather pick fiio ft1 instead, despite its more expensive and more premium.

I didnot like previous Mr speakers/DC iteration until this, i have tried alpha dog, ether 1, ether 2, aeon 1, expanse and didnot like them, however, i almost liked aeon 2 but i always bugged by their lack punchy and dynamic, never aimed for consideration, but this time, is different.

Comfort - Checked (i tried on the shop on about 5 hours, never felt disscomfort)
Sound - Checked (I tried intensively, and tried different cans but i always go back on this and makes me smile)
After Sales - Checked (I have read positive response and mostly satisfied with the service if needed, for me this is important)
Price - Checked (Quite pricey in my country but it can be done someday, must saving from now, probably will sell 1 of my fostex to be replaced by this)

Thats is, but im so sad, im not ready to acquisitioned this cans right now, for now, it will become part of my priority on my audio bucket list temporarily until i got enough fund, im not heavy duty collector, im carefully pick selected some cans to become part of my collection to become my family, and yes, aeon noire x is one of them, thank you for creating this headphone, Mr. Dan, well done, bravo.

Sorry if somehow my english was bad, it was not my mother languange, i just want to express the joy, and how i satisfied with this performance of noire x to my ears.


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