Dec 9, 2024 at 8:39 AM Post #301 of 856
Nice to meet all! I'm not just new to your forum, but rather new to the audiophile world. I promise not drive y'all crazy with questions. After I wrap up my gifts for others this holiday season, I want to unwrap myself some Noire X headphones. What would you suggest to ideally atop my desk with to inspire them to their best? Thank you - in advance.
I cannot recommend the Chord Mojo2 highly enough. It has plenty of power for the Noire’s impedance, has a desktop mode, versatile inputs, and will let you be portable when needed as well. Also, best sound you will get under $1000 (more even).
Dec 9, 2024 at 11:06 AM Post #302 of 856
What I the tonal performance of the Noire X takes its place
Imagine you are sitting in an anechoic chamber and what you hear is only the air
Dan Clark is the only one who has created the perfect space for me like no other where the recording takes place👍
Yes the room doesn't seem as big as the Hadeny's this is an open back headphone
But I don't necessarily need that if I get what is really in the (recording) room 😉
(Separation between different instruments as well as the vocals, i.e. how they separate from the instrumental performance, is only possible in a closed room...or at least in one that is not too big...otherwise everything evaporates towards to the outside and disappears in a room that is too large)
A Susvara Unveiled as well as a HE1000 Unveiled will never achieve a good separation...because they are too open....therefore also less dynamic


Ps.On the other have to give Handenys credit for playing his tracks in a very airy and carefree way 👍

So always pay attention with open back headphones....
❗️Not too open...and if so, they should be really smaller towards to the ear and really seal up that you not to lose too much dynamic❗
(There are also reasons why my HE1 is very open towards to the outside...and very small towards to the ear.....because this is the only way to limit the loss😉)
Ah got it! That's a good way to differentiate both of them. The mention of 'room' to me is sooo Focal, if you will.
I'm definitely going to check out X sooner than I anticipated.

PS. The stock market has indeed been great this year. I trade stocks from time to time even when traveling that's why I just purchased the new Xreal One glasses to carry with me while trading from my laptop. :wink:
Dec 9, 2024 at 1:27 PM Post #303 of 856
Hey, got our first "product of the year" award from! Thanks to Gary and Frank...

Headphone.Guru_POTY_NOIRE X small.png
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Dec 9, 2024 at 1:54 PM Post #305 of 856
Should i understand that there are some issues with the headband and that the cables are not so good as well?
In what way?
I an not sure why people are hating on the stock cables.

I didn't find them to be microphonic at all (never did track and field with them... But reasonable use case), and dent they were a solid build.

Not really into spending greater amounts of money for the least amount of difference. 😶‍🌫️
Dec 9, 2024 at 1:57 PM Post #307 of 856
Dec 9, 2024 at 2:01 PM Post #309 of 856
I do think the stock cable is not like the most beautiful thing in the world, but it does its job correctly, no microphonics there whatsoever.
Dec 9, 2024 at 2:18 PM Post #311 of 856
They don't need to beautiful ( although it would be nice right) as long they're not so bad as the ones that came with the Clear OG.
imho it feels really well built. Reminds me a of a mogami gold cable I use for my active speakers. Rubbery, but seems like it can take a beating. (Not that I am hammering it by any means) But I have no dilemmas with it. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Dec 9, 2024 at 2:20 PM Post #312 of 856
They don't need to beautiful ( although it would be nice right) as long they're not so bad as the ones that came with the Clear OG.
At least you can extinguish a fire with Focal Clear's original cables :relieved:
Dec 9, 2024 at 3:07 PM Post #314 of 856
The Hadenys are also a very good pair of headphones for 699 Euro ...., far more comfortable to wear and much easier to drive as the DCA 👍
But in terms of tonal performance, the Noire X is far ahead of the Hadenys👍


Ps.If you want a closed one, take the is also far ahead of the Stellia😉

Tonal performance ? As in timbre they are better than the Hadenys ?
Instruments sound more real?

Dec 9, 2024 at 6:16 PM Post #315 of 856
Tonal performance ? As in timbre they are better than the Hadenys ?
Instruments sound more real?


Instrument separation, staging, and microdetails. The overall signature of Hadenys and Noire X seem complimentary to me, I think Hadenys is closer to Noire x than E3 is to Noire X (my memory may be faulty). Overall airy, not really fatiguing, neutral bright.
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