Dec 7, 2024 at 2:46 AM Post #256 of 863
Would you mind expounding how X is far ahead than the Hadenys tonality-wise? I'm very impressed by Hadenys' tonality without EQ but even better when adjusting some PEQ filters. Surprisingly I found bass well-defined and clean, and its ability to play clearly all signals even at low volume replacing my IEM.
@panzerfan, any thoughts regarding this vs the X since you have the Focal one as well?

Appreciate any thoughts as I might consider X but not anytime soon.

What I the tonal performance of the Noire X takes its place
Imagine you are sitting in an anechoic chamber and what you hear is only the air
Dan Clark is the only one who has created the perfect space for me like no other where the recording takes place👍
Yes the room doesn't seem as big as the Hadeny's this is an open back headphone
But I don't necessarily need that if I get what is really in the (recording) room 😉
(Separation between different instruments as well as the vocals, i.e. how they separate from the instrumental performance, is only possible in a closed room...or at least in one that is not too big...otherwise everything evaporates towards to the outside and disappears in a room that is too large)
A Susvara Unveiled as well as a HE1000 Unveiled will never achieve a good separation...because they are too open....therefore also less dynamic


Ps.On the other have to give Handenys credit for playing his tracks in a very airy and carefree way 👍

So always pay attention with open back headphones....
❗️Not too open...and if so, they should be really smaller towards to the ear and really seal up that you not to lose too much dynamic❗
(There are also reasons why my HE1 is very open towards to the outside...and very small towards to the ear.....because this is the only way to limit the loss😉)
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Dec 7, 2024 at 4:14 AM Post #257 of 863
What I the tonal performance of the Noire X takes its place
Imagine you are sitting in an anechoic chamber and what you hear is only the music
Yes the room doesn't seem as big as the Hadeny's this is an open back headphone
But I don't necessarily need that if I get what is really in the (recording) room 😉
(Separation between different instruments as well as the vocals, i.e. how they separate from the instrumental performance, is only possible in a closed room...or at least in one that is not too big...otherwise everything evaporates towards to the outside and disappears in a room that is too large)
A Susvara Unveiled as well as a HE1000 Unveiled will never achieve a good separation...because they are too open


Ps.On the other have to give Handenys credit for playing his tracks in a very airy and carefree way 👍

What Dan Clark's been able to do with AMTS has honestly defied my acceptance that closed back will never equal open back at the same price point. Fiio's FT1 is no longer the only example that I can bring up. (And nope, Azurys at their price can't outright win against Arya stealth and plenty of other open back offerings)

I would love to hear a closed back version of HD800 that has better timbre. It's too bad that HD820 is a mess that requires EQ, and being temperamental in getting a good seal.
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Dec 7, 2024 at 4:32 AM Post #258 of 863
And anyone looking for a stationary AMP.... should be as neutral as possible...this applies to all DCA models
(In my case, this is the Full Score One)


PS.the Questyle amps as well as the Benchmark HP4 are also top and made for it👍
Dec 7, 2024 at 9:01 AM Post #259 of 863
I really enjoy my Mjolnir 3 and the TT2, those are my daily go-to units. I also recently have been spending time with my venerable Woo WA5 with a new tube set, that’s a stunner for classical or vocal-centric music.

I’ve not tried it yet with Burton but their amps have always paired well. There are other products too, the Topping D90, almost any Schiit amp above entry level, the Headamp GSX Mini, etc. RME makes some nice integrated DAC amps (don't get the IO boxes, not enough power).
Nice to hear about the MJ3 doing the job. I have the Schiit Kara pre amp and I was thinking of unifying the Kara and MJ3 together as a stack. Yup. That should do it. 😎
Thanks Dan. Also thank you for your album rec during an interview you had with Jason Stoddard. It was Madeline Peyroux’s : The Blue Room. It really is an excellent vocal album and can be considered as a reference recording. Definitely works with headphones that have a full bodied midrange.
Thanks again. It is a good one.
Now of course I must return the favor.
This is off Ray Charles and Friends album. The whole album I do recommend, but I think this track is my favorite thus far. Captures that great vocal spirit. A beautiful midrange recording.

Dec 7, 2024 at 9:50 AM Post #260 of 863
Yes, it was indeed a good year..... not only on the stock market 😜


PS.and also for my wallet🤪.....because it was an inexpensive year in terms of the new headphones (Hadenys & NoireX ) that convince me and found a home with me 😎
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Dec 7, 2024 at 12:09 PM Post #262 of 863
Nice to hear about the MJ3 doing the job. I have the Schiit Kara pre amp and I was thinking of unifying the Kara and MJ3 together as a stack. Yup. That should do it. 😎
Thanks Dan. Also thank you for your album rec during an interview you had with Jason Stoddard. It was Madeline Peyroux’s : The Blue Room. It really is an excellent vocal album and can be considered as a reference recording. Definitely works with headphones that have a full bodied midrange.
Thanks again. It is a good one.
Now of course I must return the favor.
This is off Ray Charles and Friends album. The whole album I do recommend, but I think this track is my favorite thus far. Captures that great vocal spirit. A beautiful midrange recording.

Glad you like The Blue Room! The other thing I love about it is that unlike most of my reference music I don’t seem to get sick of it, the performance and music is just that enjoyable to me… Enjoying Ray now. Had a chuckle, a friend of mine lived across the street from Mr Charles for 20+ years… It was a while ago!
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Dec 7, 2024 at 12:42 PM Post #263 of 863
DCA Noire X is the ONLY Closed Back Headphones Under $1000 You Need!

Thanks for the great review Marcello, and so glad you enjoyed the NOIRE X so much!

Also, I really like the quality and production of your video, really nice production!
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Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Dec 7, 2024 at 1:43 PM Post #266 of 863
In video - 4:23 - he talks about pads that are "glue"-on. But can the pads then be changed?

Yes, they can. DCA sells new pads with peel-off adhesive, which you can place on when needed. It is not difficult to change them out.
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The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Dec 7, 2024 at 6:55 PM Post #267 of 863
I’ll die on this hill but any 1k headphone should come with the top tier cable. I really like the vivo cables and IMHO on a kilobuck headphone it should be included. The included one maybe isn’t hifiman / focal bad but I don’t think the cable matches the quality of the headphone build itself.

A VIVO cable would add at least $200 to the price if one purchased the Noire X from the DCA website.
Dec 7, 2024 at 7:32 PM Post #268 of 863
Any experiences driving these with a high end DAP like the Astell & Kern SP3000? For personal reference, I was really disappointed with the Fiio M17 performance with the DCA Ether.
Yes! These can be driven excellently by the SP3000. The volume level was cranked to around 85 but it sounded exactly like I hoped!
Dec 7, 2024 at 9:25 PM Post #270 of 863
Where do you come up with that number? I’m saying it should add nothing and be included. It’s a 1k headphone we are talking about.
It is true. Check DCA site.
That is one of the reason I am thinking to buy Liric2, it includes a $249 cable.
Edit, the cable retail price is $249.
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