Would you mind expounding how X is far ahead than the Hadenys tonality-wise? I'm very impressed by Hadenys' tonality without EQ but even better when adjusting some PEQ filters. Surprisingly I found bass well-defined and clean, and its ability to play clearly all signals even at low volume replacing my IEM.
@panzerfan, any thoughts regarding this vs the X since you have the Focal one as well?
Appreciate any thoughts as I might consider X but not anytime soon.
What I mean....how the tonal performance of the Noire X takes its place
Imagine you are sitting in an anechoic chamber and what you hear is only the music...no air
Dan Clark is the only one who has created the perfect space for me like no other where the recording takes place

Yes the room doesn't seem as big as the Hadeny's either...as this is an open back headphone
But I don't necessarily need that if I get what is really in the (recording) room

(Separation between different instruments as well as the vocals, i.e. how they separate from the instrumental performance, is only possible in a closed room...or at least in one that is not too big...otherwise everything evaporates towards to the outside and disappears in a room that is too large)
A Susvara Unveiled as well as a HE1000 Unveiled will never achieve a good separation...because they are too open....therefore also less dynamic
Ps.On the other hand...you have to give Handenys credit for playing his tracks in a very airy and carefree way

So always pay attention with open back headphones....

(There are also reasons why my HE1 is very open towards to the outside...and very small towards to the ear.....because this is the only way to limit the loss

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